Blue Flame. Robert A. Webster
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Flanman changed into a U.S Colonels uniform. He went into his top drawer and took out forged military I.D.s for Lt. Col. David Sanders. U.S Diplomatic attaché, and Lt. Sharon Foreman.
Rudolf Flanman looked at his watch while Steffi went over to a gas stove and boiled the kettle.
They had just finished drinking tea when an American G.I. knocked and entered. Sergeant Hickman clicked his heels together, “Heil Hitler!” he said, saluting them both.
The two returned the hitlergruss and then Flanman asked him, “Everything set?”
“Yes sir. We have a clear passage through to the port. On my way back I briefed the checkpoints that I would be bringing an American VIP through soon,” replied Hickman in German.
“Were there any problems?” asked Steffi.
Hickman smirked, “Only an obnoxious American captain, but he has been taken care of,” said Hickman, “I apologise for not getting more information on the destination, but the John H. Brown’s crew wasn’t told.”
“You briefed our spy on board to tell us anything that we need to know?” asked Steffi.
“Yes, he will call to inform us of any useful information when they dock in America,” said Hickster.
“Okay, let’s go meet with our Füehrer,” said Flanman, standing and putting on his helmet.
They walked outside to the U.S.-marked saloon, passing a pile of stacked rubble by the side of the road. Hickman looked at the pile with disdain.
“A befitting tomb for the arrogant U.S. Army captain,” snarled Hickman, AKA, SS-Standartenführer Tomas Schroeder. He, along with SS-Hauptsurmführer, Dr. Josef Mengele – ‘The Angel of death,’ and Kriminalkomissar, Katrina Frume of the Gestapo, codename: Schwarze Witwe, the black widow, got into the car and drove away.
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