Control of Mechatronic Systems. Patrick O. J. Kaltjob
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Example 1.3
Robot-assisted surgery is using image-guided systems to command and control operations in intravascular surgery, as depicted in Figure 1.6. Such a system has an embedded and integrated control system for its motion and direction, as well as operation monitoring, and motion synchronization between robot arms. Expected control functions include:
1 force control of a robot arm gripper;
2 synchronized angular position and velocity control of each motor-driven robot joint;
3 logic control of real-time anomalies detection (location of the abnormal cell or dysfunctional organ) and inspection using 3D imaging camera processing (color uniformity, selection based on size and shape) and laser ranging sensors;
4 path generation and motion planning (position, speed, and accelerations) for robot navigation while ensuring collision avoidance of the robot manipulator; and
5 logic control of the discrete selection of suitable cutting tools for the robot arms.
Figure 1.6 Image-guided tele-assisted robot intravascular surgery.
Example 1.4
An unmanned electric vehicle driving system is expected to have an embedded and integrated control system for speed and direction control, traffic light monitoring, and motion synchronization with other users. Consider the driverless vehicle in Figure 1.7(a): a block diagram with all relevant input and output (I/O) variables involved is depicted in Figure 1.7(b).
Figure 1.7 (a) Chassis of a driverless vehicle. Source: Based on Kaltjob P. (b) Hybrid control block diagram of a driverless vehicle.
Example 1.5
Here, an example of control system for a crane-based vertical motion process is illustrated in Figure 1.8, while its feedback block diagram and the logic control connections are shown in Figure 1.9(a) and (b).
Figure 1.8 Crane-based vertical motion control system schematic.
Source: Adapted from Kaltjob P.
Figure 1.9 (a) Block diagram of the crane motion feedback control system. (b) Logic control connections of the crane motion feedback control system.
Example 1.6
Here, a milky beverage processing factory is illustrated in Figure 1.10. In a process of such scale, a supervisory, control, and data acquisition system (SCADA) is used to collect plant-wide data through an industrial network to archive and to ensure the execution of derived process sequences. The equivalent block diagram depicting the relevant components of such SCADA-oriented process control system is presented in Figure 1.11.
Figure 1.10 Milk-based beverage processing factory schematic.
Source: Based on Kaltjob P.
Figure 1.11 Block diagram with SCADA components for a milk-based beverage processing system.
Source: Based on Kaltjob P.
1.5 Controller Design Integration Steps and Implementation Strategies
Mechatronic systems and processes are systems embedding automatic information processing functions such as for reporting, better performance and control, and safe operation. Such functions are implemented using various control strategies through advanced control design algorithms, along with associated smart actuating or sensing devices.