Internet of Things in Business Transformation. Группа авторов

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Internet of Things in Business Transformation - Группа авторов

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      1 *Corresponding author: [email protected]


      Transformational Technology for Business Transformation in the New Era

       Md Shamsul Haque Ansari1* and Monica Mehrotra2

       1Research Lab, Department of Computer Science, JMI, New Delhi, India

       2Department of Computer Science, JMI, New Delhi, India


      In terms of management, business transformation takes place with the fundamental changes in the way the business takes place to cope up with the shift in market environment day by day. Urbanization also has a major role in the environment of market shift as the large number of populations is being shifted from rural areas to urban areas. Hence, we require inventive and innovative technologies which may sense urban dynamics automatically and give essential information to improve the sustainability of smart cities. To make the life easier, do work efficiently and generate more revenues according to the limited time, the technology plays an important role. The recent trend of business transformation requires huge transformation in technologies as we are moving towards the concept of smart city. Apart from the various benefits of using recent technologies, some challenges are also there which we must handle in different fields like energy conservation, security system especially related to banking transactions, etc.

      Keywords: IoT, smart city, digital transformation, business transformation

      Technology is a term which makes the organization capable

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