Nanopharmaceutical Advanced Delivery Systems. Группа авторов

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Nanopharmaceutical Advanced Delivery Systems - Группа авторов

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types of nanoformulations (Table 3.1) as carriers opting the advantage of their morphology, function, and composition are mentioned below:

Customized nanotools Size range (nm) Description Advantages Disadvantages
Liposomes 50 to 100 A spherical vesicle containing minimum of one lipid bilayer encapsulating the aqueous core contain the drug molecules serve as a carrier. Increase the efficacy and therapeutic index of the drugReduce toxicityFlexibility to couple to the target specific ligandsBiocompatible, biodegradable, non-immunogenic for both systemic and nonsystemic administration Low solubilityLesser half-lifeLipids undergo reactions like oxidation and hydrolysis to a specific extentLeakage and fusion of the vesiclesEconomically high in costLess stable
Solid lipid nanoparticle (SLN) 50 to 1000 Globular structure vesicles encapsulated by monolayers of phospholipids containing dissolved or dispersed drug in the core media. Control and/or target drug release and enhance bioavailabilityExcellent biocompatibilityHigh and enhanced drug contentEasy to scale up and sterilizeBetter control over release kinetics of encapsulated compoundsLiable drugsChemical protection of labile incorporated compoundsCan be subjected to commercial sterilization procedures. Particle growthUnpredictable gelation tendencyUnexpected dynamics of polymeric transitions.
20 to 1000 They are cylindrical molecules consisting of multilayers of rolled-up sheets of carbon atoms. High bioavailability because of its high specific surface area and nanosize range.Multiple conjugation sites for the drug molecule. Lack of solubility in aqueous media
Polymer-based nanoparticles 10 to 1000 Colloidal particles comprising drugs encapsulated or impinged by polymeric substance. Increase the stability of volatile drug substance Biodegradable, biocompatible, and non-immunogenic Site-specific targeted drug delivery Reduce the adverse drug reactions Toxic monomer aggregation Polymeric degradation On degradation, they yield toxic residual material
Polymer-based micelles 10 to 100 Self-assembled nanoscopic core shell formed by amphiphilic copolymer, containing hydrophobic drugs surrounded by micelles and hydrophilic bioactive materials. Serves the advantage of controlled drug release NontoxicHigher physical stability Greater cargo capacity of drugs Poor drug loading efficiency.Poor in vivo stability Poor cellular interaction with malignant tissues
Dendrimers < 10 Branched molecules that consist of a core and spherical 3D morphology. Low toxic and antigenic.Biodegradable and metabolized.Can increase the half-life of the moiety.Good tissue permeability.Aids sustained and controlled drug release. Limited storage condition.Time consuming.High material and equipment cost.Low retention.More complex in nature.
< 100 They are nanosized metals that are synthesized and modified to bind along with ligands, antibodies, drugs, etc. Optical properties like photo absorption, light scattering, modified SERS (surface enhanced Raman scattering) and fluorescenceEnhance the resolutions of the imaging techniques such as MRI, tracking stem cells, and cellular molecules. They are concerned with the issues of high toxicity.Their shape, size, surface chemistry, targeting ligands, elasticity, and composition largely influence their toxic profile.High in material and production cost.
Quantum dots 2 to 10 They are smaller nano range tiny nanoparticles and have good optical and electronic properties that vary from larger particles due to their intrinsic quantum mechanics. They are better than fluorophore dyes that are 20 times brighter.Variations in the wavelength ranging from 400 to 4000 nm range.They are economically cost effective and also amenable to high-speed printing techniques. Highly toxic and require stable polymer shell.The shells can alter the optical property.Hard to control the particle size of the nano structures.DegradationOverall conversion yield is poor.
~5 Medically used diamonds of size range lesser than 5 nm containing three main components: the core, surface, and the overall shape. They can be used in the drug delivery in their original form whereas there is no need to apply the oxidation modification process due to their good aqueous solubility nature, without any acidic media treatment.Reduces adverse effects.High affinity towards proteins and antibodies forming stable conjugates Chances of genotoxicity occurrence due to the introduction of various chemical groups into the nanodiamonds.Difficulties in evaluation due to being smaller in size; special techniques such as radionuclide tracer are to be adopted.The process is quite complicated during the complexation of nanodiamonds with the active drug molecules covalently.Economically high in cost.

      3.3.1 Liposomes

Schematic illustration of basic structure of liposomes.


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