Bodies, Affects, Politics. Steve Pile
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Table of Contents
1 Cover
6 Preface
7 Chapter One: Introduction: Bodies, Affects and Their Politicisation Lancaster West Estate, North Kensington London’s Burning Justice for Grenfell Tower of London As Political as It Gets Tell Me What Community Looks Like Body Politic Understanding Bodily Regimes: Between Rancière and Freud, between Overdetermination and Indeterminacy
8 Chapter Two: Dislocated by Epidermal Schemas: Skin, Race and a Proper Place for the Body Introduction A Proper Place for Skin? Epidermal Schemas and Their Ends Passing, Races and Proper Places Colour Sensitivity Epidermal Schemas in Passing: Monochrome versus Full Colour Clare’s White Skin: Epidermal Schemas, Race and Space Conclusion: Dislocated by Bodily Regimes
9 Chapter Three: The Chafing of Bodily Regimes: Skin and the Corporeal Model of the Ego Introduction Skin and the Spatiality of the Ego The Spatialities of Ego, Skin and Second Skin Lawrence of Arabia ‘What Army, Sir’?: A Question of Second Skins Skin of Suffering: The Deraa Incident and Lawrence’s White and Fresh Skin Conclusion: The Chafing of Bodily Regimes
10 Chapter Four: Bodies, Affects and Their Passionate Forms: Animal Phobias and the Topologies of Bodily and Psychic Space Introduction Animal Tracks Inside and Outside the Body and the Psyche Do Not Touch Me! Emmy von N.’s Fear of Mice and Other Animals More Ferarum: More than a Wolfman From the All Too Human…to the Animal Human Conclusion: The Twists and Folds in Bodily and Psychic Space
11 Chapter Five: The Worldliness of Unconscious Processes: The Repressive and Distributive Functions of the Unconscious Introduction: Following Unconscious Processes, Inside Out and Outside In Hysterical Symptoms and the Unconscious: Dora, What She Does Not Know or Cannot Tell Us Freud’s Topographical, Dynamic and Economic Understandings of Psychical Processes What Happens in Vegas? When the Fates of Drives Become (All Too) Real The Distribution of Unconscious Material: A Tale of Two Weddings, Three Women and Four Men Conclusion: ‘That Shit Will Come Back with You’ — Thinking beyond the Spaces of Repression
12 Chapter Six: The Transference of Affect: The Communicative Function of the Unconscious Introduction The Problem of Affect Transfer over Distance Hélène Smith and Théodore Flournoy on Mars: The Science of Telepathy Hélène Smith and the Distribution of the Senses: Telepathy and Telekinesis Feeling at a Distance: What Would Freud Know? From Telepathy to Thought Transference: Dora and What Freud Does Not Know, but Knows He Needs to Know Conclusion: Affects, Bodies and Unconscious Communication
13 Chapter Seven: Crazy about Their Bodies: The Art‐work of Sharon Kivland and the Politics of the Female Body Introduction: The Aesthetic and the Unconscious Modes of Production Skin over Skin The Secret of Fetishism A Woman Who Doesn’t Wear Perfume Has No Future Conclusion: Redistributing the Senses
14 Chapter Eight: Conclusion: Bodies, Affects, Politics Geographies of the Body and the Search for the Political