The Psychic Adviser. Juan Moisés De La Serna
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“We just do our job, but now we have a problem.”
“A problem?” I asked surprised, as he had told me that they had already caught the culprit and that they had recovered the body.
“Yes, we have to prove that it was he and not someone else who threw her into the pond.”
“What about the DNA I’ve seen so many times on television?”
“No DNA, at least that we’ve found.” There is no trace in his house, neither in the vehicle and all we have is the body and the knife, which I already knew when I showed him the evidence in the case, he does not have any fingerprints or DNA of the aggressor.
“And what do you want me to do?” I asked, puzzled.
“We need something, no matter how little, something that helps us catch him, if not, in less than 24 hours we will have to let him loose and that despite having the body.”
“So you believe me? You do think it’s him.”
“Yes, I believe you, I don’t know how you did it, but I believe you. His testimony does not stand, he has been lying to us since we arrested him, and no one is able to determine the day and time of the crime, that is, he has no alibi, but we cannot place him there either.”
“Maybe yes,” I said after briefly remembering the dream.
“Do you remember I told you that he had taken the body out of a park gate?”
“Yeah, what about that?”
“Well, the car was parked there, someone must have seen it, and with that they can place it in the vicinity.”
Without saying anything, the policeman left the room and began to shout, just as he would have done a few hours before.
After an hour or so he came back in and said with a big smile.
“We’ve got him!”
“Did anyone see the parked vehicle?”
“Better, there’s a jewelry store nearby, and they have a camera recording the display, since you don’t know what? You can see him removing the body, well the bag, and depositing it in his vehicle.”
“Wow, how lucky to have that camera.”
“Yes, this is enough to prosecute him, as there is evidence to judge him for the crime.”
That was my first contribution to solving a case, the first of so many that I no longer remember the number.
What I did not have time to explain on that occasion or in the successive ones in which I had that type of dream, is what I saw a posteriori. I don’t know why that part no longer interested them, it’s as if the police just wanted to know what had happened to the body, or where the kidnapped person was, but nothing of the rest that I saw.
But for me, that was the most enriching thing, if it can be called that, knowing that, whatever the circumstances of the last moment of life, then you continue living, or at least that is how I had experienced it.
A life outside the body, but not like when we dream, and we think we are flying, something that some call a splitting or a departure of a part of ourselves.
This was something else, it is as if the person were really alive, because they thought and felt, saw and listened, but without a body.
I don’t know why, but what I understood to be the most important thing, hardly anyone paid attention to me when I tried to tell it, arguing that my mission, if it can be called that, or my collaboration had ended from the moment I had given a response to the request, that is, to discover who had been, or where the person kidnaped or their body was.
To tell the truth, after a while collaborating with different authorities, there was not much that surprised me, the names and surnames of those involved did change, and perhaps also the methods, but the motivations, so to speak, did not change.
From there I learned that we are not so different from animals despite what we may think, and that our instincts rule over a good part of our behavior, especially that one which can be considered as deviant.
And, above all, that invisible evil that nobody talks about or wants to talk about, mental health, and its diseases.
I do not know the data, nor the percentage, but most, if not all of those who were involved in this type of act, I do not know how I would define them, but they were not very well.
I don’t know what came first, if those unnatural acts or the mental health problem, what was clear to me is that they were not very normal, and that was evidenced, for example, when they had been caught and tried to… I don’t know how to say it, justify their actions with excuses that were not supported in any way, how would you justify a kidnapping, or a murder?
Personally, I believe that acts like this do not have any kind of justification, no matter how much the other person had done something or stopped doing something before.
I suppose that not everyone sees social norms in the same way, but they are there precisely to protect us from each other, to avoid coexistence problems, and it is something that we all learn from childhood.
It would be useless to buy a vehicle if when someone wants to come and take it because they want to, or, for example, who would go to work, if later the employer can decide not to pay because that day they have made that decision?
The laws and regulations are there for something, and the police to enforce them.
To tell the truth, on more than one occasion I have had problems with the police, not because I did something improper, but because I knew too much and clearly, they thought that I could be the architect, the accomplice or at least the thinking head of that act of the one who gave notice to the police so that, as far as possible, they would do their part to prevent it, because yes, I could say that he had two types of experiences, well, they were the same and with the same content, only that Some were before the act happened and others after.
With the former, it was the most difficult for the police to listen to me, not because they did not want to protect citizens, but because they said that until the act had been done, it was not a crime and therefore it was not their responsibility to do something about.
For me, these were all legal technicalities that did nothing but endanger a person, whose suffering could have been avoided.
But after insisting so much and what I had predicted happened on several occasions, the commissioner made a small trap, well, I don’t know if it can be called that, but it was an intermediate solution between paying attention to me and doing nothing.
Legally, until the crime was committed, they could not intervene, but what they did was open a kind of file with all the information that I provided, they studied it thoroughly and did to find out about the people involved and the place of the events, and once they checked everything, then they did a kind of preventive surveillance, both of the victim and the aggressor, or rather the future victim and the future aggressor, and of course it worked, on more than one occasion they had