The Sage Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice. Группа авторов

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The Sage Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice - Группа авторов

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Publishing Agency and was appointed an Associate to the Taos Institute in 2008.Lorraine Hedtkeis the programme coordinator and an associate professor of counselling and guidance at California State University, San Bernardino. She is also the proprietor of The Fabula Center, a counselling and training centre. She teaches about death, dying and bereavement throughout the United States and internationally. Her work represents an exciting and unique departure from the conventional models of grief psychology. Her articles have appeared in numerous professional journals and magazines and she is the author of several books about grief. Her children's book, My Grandmother is Always with Me (2nd edn, Lulu Press, 2013), is written with her daughter, Addison Davidove. Her book, Breathing Life into the Stories of the Dead: Constructing Bereavement Support Groups (Taos Institute Publications, 2012) outlines an innovative and practical model for practice. Along with John Winslade, she is the co-author of the book Remembering Lives: Conversations with the Dying and the Bereaved (Baywood, 2004) and The Crafting of Grief: Aesthetic Responses to Loss (Routledge, 2017).Dina von Heimburgis a MSc and works as a public health coordinator in Levanger Municipality, Norway and is a PhD candidate in Sociology at Nord University, Norway. She is also an adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Health and Nursing at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Her PhD research is a collaborative action research project focusing on the co-creation of social inclusion among families whose children are in kindergartens.Lone Herstedis an associate professor and works as a researcher and a lecturer at the Department of Culture and Learning at Aalborg University (Denmark). Her research is concerned with organizational learning, organizational change processes, relational leading and leadership development, action research and creativity. In particular, she is concerned with dialogically based processes for organizational learning and development. Lone has a professional background in theatre, family therapy and consultancy, and brings these experiences creatively into her work with organizational development. In 2013, together with Professor Kenneth Gergen, she wrote the book Relational Leading: Practices for Dialogically Based Collaboration, which was published in English, Danish and Japanese. In addition, she has contributed to a series of books and articles on leadership, the education of leaders, organizational learning, dialogical process, action research and creativity. Recently she edited the book Action Research in a Relational Perspective together with Ottar Ness and Søren Frimann (published by Routledge).Lois Holzmanis director of the East Side Institute, an international research and education centre for the advancement of social therapeutics and performance activism. As a proponent of postmodern, activity-theoretic, cultural approaches to human learning and development, she has championed the role of play, performance and ensemble building as central to ongoing attempts to support people to grow themselves and their communities, to humanize the mental health field and the social sciences, and to effect social change and global cultural transformation. Among her books are Vygotsky at Work and Play; Unscientific Psychology: A Cultural-Performatory Approach to Understanding Human Life (with Fred Newman); and The Overweight Brain: How Our Obsession with Knowing Keeps us from Getting Smart Enough to Make a Better World.David Anderson Hookeris Professor of the Practice of Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies in the University of Notre Dame's Keough School of Global Affairs. His practice spans more than 30 years as mediator, restorative justice practitioner, trainer, leadership development specialist, advocate and community peacebuilder working throughout Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, and the (united) States of America. Hooker's primary research investigates the social and narrative construction of complex identities; the role of multigenerational trauma in the formation of interpersonal and communal relationships, systems and structures; and the various models and approaches to truth-telling as mechanisms for approaching justice, quality peace, and societal reconciliation. He is the co-author (with Amy Potter-Czaijkowski) of Transforming Historical Harms (Eastern Mennonite, 2012) and author of The Little Book of Transformative Community Conferencing (SkyHorse 2016), as well as several other book chapters and journal articles.Carsten Hornstrupis an experienced consultant and leader and is regarded as an expert on public sector development. In later years he has focused on Relational Capacity as a way of integrating systematic evaluations in highly complex cases with dialogical practices. He holds a PhD in Relational Leadership and has published seven books and several books and articles. He is currently the director and founder of Joint Action Analytics and is associated with Aarhus University's research centre for public leadership as well as chairing the board of the RCRC (Relational Coordination Research Collaborative) at Brandeis University, Boston.Marie L. Hoskinsis Professor Emeritus in the School of Child and Youth Care (Faculty of Human and Social Development) at the University of Victoria, Canada. She has held several administrative positions and sat on several boards over the years. She has published in a wide range of journals including Mediation Quarterly, Qualitative Inquiry, The Journal of Constructivist Psychology, Constructivism and Human Sciences, the Canadian Journal of Counselling, Qualitative Inquiry, the Child and Youth Care Forum, to name just a few. Her teaching focus has been in the area of human change processes, girls’ identity challenges and various modes of interpretive inquiry. She has been the principal investigator on two large Social Sciences and Humanities Research Projects (SSHRC), one focused on eating disorders and processes of change, the other focused on the relationships between culture, substance use and transformation. She is a former member of the coordinating team for the Child Soldier Initiative led by Rt. General Romeo Dallaire.Johan Hovelynckworks as a self-employed process consultant and is part-time lecturer at the Leuven University (Belgium). With a background in Organizational and Community Psychology (KU Leuven) and in Adult Education (VU Brussels), Johan facilitates group and organizational development processes in various profit and social-profit settings, including multi-actor collaboration in different governance domains. His action research on facilitating relational learning in those fields provides an additional basis for teaching group dynamics and group decision-making at the KU Leuven Center for Organisational Psychology and Professional Learning.Elizabeth Jamesonis an artist who specializes in the intersection of art and science. Her artwork creates interest and curiosity about the imperfect body, and her work serves as an invitation to open up conversations about what it means to have an illness or disability as part of the universal human experience. She is an artist, a writer and a former public interest lawyer; she has written about illness and disability in publications such as the New York Times, British Medical Journal and WIRED magazine. Her work is part of permanent collections including the National Institutes of Health, major universities and medical schools throughout the nation. In 2016, she delivered a TedX talk, ‘Learning to Celebrate and Embrace Our Imperfect Bodies’.Arlene M. Katzis a Taos Associate and mentor of many Taos PhD students. She is also a Lecturer in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and teaches cross-cultural care in their residency programme at the Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA). A published poet, photographer and videographer, Dr Katz uses social poetics (Hearing the patient's ‘voice’: Toward a social poetics in diagnostic interviews. Social Science Medicine, Katz and Shotter, 1996) to explore the space between health and the humanities. Her work emphasizes the importance of hearing the ‘voice’ of patient and community, making visible the moral dimensions of care and suffering. Former Director of CHA's Community Councils Project, she worked with community elders and health professionals to address ageism by developing a ‘Council of Elders’ to make visible the lived experience of aging (A council of elders: Creating a multi-voiced dialogue in a community of care. Social Science and Medicine, Katz, Conant et al., 2000). This has developed into a series of participatory ethnographic publications and research projects, co-creating ‘resourceful communities’ of those involved in healthcare.Jenny Leeis the executive director of Allied Media Projects (AMP), where she has worked in various capacities since 2006. Over this period she led the healthy growth and evolution of the organization through facilitative leadership, innovative programme design, and network cultivation. She honed the theory and practice of media-based organizing that is at the core of AMP's work. Jenny represents AMP within city-wide and national initiatives to advance the fields of media, art, technology and social justice. She currently serves on the leadership team of the national Art x Culture x Social Justice Network. In 2015 she was a Detroit Equity Action Lab fellow and from 2008 to 2012 she served on the national steering committee of INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence. Jenny graduated from the University of Michigan with a BA in Comparative Literature in 2005. She is a mom, a dancer and a motorcycle rider.Barbara E. Lewisis a co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Center

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