Doing Sensory Ethnography. Sarah Pink

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Doing Sensory Ethnography - Sarah Pink

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what is an increasingly interdisciplinary context for scholarship and practice within these fields – for instance, with the emergence of design anthropology and the connections between anthropology and arts practice – as well as between the social, technological, engineering sciences and medical sciences more generally, we can see how the theoretical, methodological and practical emphasis on the senses in the social sciences and humanities is also having impact through them in wider fields. Therefore, for example, in my own experience of working with designers, engineers and construction industry experts, a sensory ethnography approach can inform the development of strong research collaborations that bring to interdisciplinary and hard-to-address research problems, new ways of knowing that are not usually applied in those fields.

      Summing up

      In this chapter I have shown how an interest in the senses has extended across academic and applied ethnographic disciplines concerned with understanding and representing human experience. Each existing body of literature offers important insights that I draw on to propose a sensory ethnographic methodology in the following chapters. I have suggested that a sensory ethnography could be of use not only in discipline-specific projects and in applied research. Rather, it can additionally make an important contribution in projects that bridge the divide between applied and academic work, in projects that develop and combine perspectives and aims of different disciplines in interdisciplinary analysis.

      Recommended further reading

       Hayes-Conroy, A. and Hayes-Conroy, J. (2008) ‘Taking back taste: feminism, food and visceral politics’, Gender, Place & Culture: a Journal of Feminist Geography, 15(5): 461–73.

       Howes, D. (2003) Sensing Culture: engaging the senses in culture and social theory. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

       Ingold, T. (2010) Being Alive. London: Routledge.

       Schneider, A. and C. Wright (2013) Anthropology and Art Practice. Oxford: Bloomsbury.

       Stoller, P. (1997) Sensuous Scholarship. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

       Vannini, P., D. Waskul and S. Gottschalk (2012) The Senses in Self, Society, and Culture: a sociology of the senses. Oxford: Routledge.

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