Doing Focus Groups. Rosaline Barbour

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Doing Focus Groups - Rosaline Barbour Qualitative Research Kit

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which, although potentially illuminating, are the very least of what focus group research can achieve. Lack of preparation, piloting and refinement of topic guides have the same consequences as lack of attention to developing instruments in the quantitative tradition – suboptimal research. (This is discussed in Chapter 6 in relation to planning focus groups.)

      Focus groups are an inherently flexible method and offer a wide range of options, provided that the researcher gives careful consideration to what is the most appropriate approach for the project in hand. Notwithstanding their impressive pedigree, focus groups are not always the most appropriate method. Not only does inappropriate use of focus groups result in poorly designed research; as Krueger (1993) pointed out, overzealous and inappropriate use threatens to discredit the method itself.

      Making a sharp distinction between applied and more theoretical usages, however, can also be unhelpful, as it is argued that there are also many illuminating similarities and that researchers operating at each end of this continuum have much to learn from each other – particularly with regard to designing studies and capitalizing on the rich data generated.

      We saw in Chapter 1 that some of the problems experienced – particularly by novice focus group researchers – stem from inappropriate expectations, arising from a lack of awareness of the particular properties of qualitative, as opposed to quantitative research. Once focus groups are placed within the context of qualitative research – and when they are viewed as a way of addressing a rather different set of questions – many of the problems and frustrations encountered by focus group researchers and the perceived weaknesses of the method can actually be shown to be advantages. The following chapter aims to provide the reader with an enhanced appreciation of focus groups as an essentially qualitative method.

      Key points

       Focus groups can offer advantages in terms of accessing the ‘hard-to-reach’ and the ‘vulnerable’.

       They can be useful in addressing ‘difficult’ or ‘sensitive’ topics.

       Don’t use focus groups if you want to measure ‘attitudes’.

       Give careful thought as to whether you are privileging research aims over participants’ concerns.

       Consider the potential of using focus groups as part of an action-oriented approach.

       Focus groups excel at providing insights into process rather than outcomes.

       Fluidity of participants’ views should be seen – and used – as a resource rather than as a problem.

       Be suitably cautious about making claims regarding the empowerment of focus group participants.

      Further reading

      The following texts provide a flavour of focus groups in practice:

      Barbour, R.S. (2010) ‘Focus groups’, in I. Bourgeault, R. Dingwall and R. de Vries (eds), The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Health Research. London: Sage, pp. 327–52.

      Kitzinger, J. and Barbour, R.S. (1999) ‘Introduction: the challenge and promise of focus groups’, in R.S. Barbour and J. Kitzinger (eds), Developing Focus Group Research: Politics, Theory and Practice. London: Sage, pp. 1–20.

      Puchta, C. and Potter, J. (2004) Focus Group Practice. London: Sage.

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