A Complete Guide to Heraldry. Arthur Charles Fox-Davies

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A Complete Guide to Heraldry - Arthur Charles Fox-Davies

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meaning a rafter, and the heraldic chevron is the same shape as a gable rafter. In early examples of heraldic art the chevron will be found depicted reaching very nearly to the top of the shield, the angle contained within the chevron being necessarily more acute. The chevron then attained very much more nearly to its full area of one-third of the field than is now given to it. As the chevron became accompanied by charges, it was naturally drawn so that it would allow of these charges being more easily represented, and its height became less whilst the angle it enclosed was increased. But now, as then, it is perfectly at the pleasure of the artist to design his chevron at the height and angle which will best allow the proper representation of the charges which accompany it.

Fig. 132. Fig. 132.—Chevron indented. Fig. 133. Fig. 133.—Chevron wavy. Fig. 134. Fig. 134.—Chevron nebuly.
Fig. 135. Fig. 135.—Chevron raguly. Fig. 136. Fig. 136.—Chevron dovetailed. Fig. 137. Fig. 137.—Chevron doubly cottised.

      The chevron, of course, is subject to the usual lines of partition (Figs. 128–136), and can be cottised and doubly cottised (Fig. 137).

      It is usually found between three charges, but the necessity of modern differentiation has recently introduced the disposition of four charges, three in chief and one in base, which is by no means a happy invention. An even worse disposition occurs in the arms of a certain family of Mitchell, where the four escallops which are the principal charges are arranged two in chief and two in base.

Fig. 138.

      Fig. 138.—Chevron quarterly.

      Ermine spots upon a chevron do not follow the direction of it, but in the cases of chevrons vair, and chevrons chequy, authoritative examples can be found in which the chequers and rows of vair both do, and do not, conform to the direction of the chevron. My own preference is to make the rows horizontal.

      A chevron quarterly is divided by a line chevronwise, apparently dividing the chevron into two chevronels, and then by a vertical line in the centre (Fig. 138).

      A chevron in point embowed will be found in the arms of Trapaud quartered by Adlercron (Fig. 139).

      A field per chevron (Fig. 52) is often met with, and the division line in this case (like the enclosing lines of a real chevron) is subject to the usual partition lines, but how one is to determine the differentiation between per chevron engrailed and per chevron invecked I am uncertain, but think the points should be upwards for engrailed.

      The field when entirely composed of an even number of chevrons is termed "chevronny" (Fig. 59).

      The diminutive of the chevron is the chevronel (Fig. 140).

      Chevronels "interlaced" or "braced" (Fig. 141), will be found in the arms of Sirr. The chevronel is very seldom met with singly, but a case of this will be found in the arms of Spry.

      A chevron "rompu" or broken is depicted as in Fig. 142.

Fig. 139.

      Fig. 139.—Armorial bearings of Rodolph Ladeveze Adlercron, Esq.: Quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, an eagle displayed, wings inverted sable, langued gules, membered and ducally crowned or (for Adlercron): 2 and 3, argent, a chevron in point embowed between in chief two mullets and in base a lion rampant all gules (for Trapaud). Mantling sable and argent. Crest: on a wreath of the colours, a demi-eagle displayed sable, langued gules, ducally crowned or, the dexter wing per fess argent and azure, the sinister per fess of the last and or. Motto: "Quo fata vocant."

      THE PILE

      The pile (Fig. 143) is a triangular wedge usually (and unless otherwise specified) issuing from the chief. The pile is subject to the usual lines of partition (Figs. 144–151).

      The early representation of the pile (when coats of arms had no secondary charges and were nice and simple) made the point nearly reach to the base of the escutcheon, and as a consequence it naturally was not so wide. It is now usually drawn so that its upper edge occupies very nearly the whole of the top line of the escutcheon; but the angles and proportions of the pile are very much at the discretion of the artist, and governed by the charges which need to be introduced in the field of the escutcheon or upon the pile.

Fig. 140. Fig. 140.—Chevronels. Fig. 141. Fig. 141.—Chevronels braced. Fig. 142. Fig. 142.—Chevron rompu.
Fig. 143. Fig. 143.—Pile. Fig. 144. Fig. 144.—Pile engrailed. Fig. 145. Fig. 145.—Pile invecked.
Fig. 146. Fig. 146.—Pile embattled. Fig. 147. Fig. 147.—Pile indented. Fig. 148. Fig. 148.—Pile wavy.

      A single pile may issue from any point of the escutcheon except the base; the arms of Darbishire showing a pile issuing from the dexter chief point.

      A single pile cannot issue in base if it be unaccompanied by other piles, as the field would then be blazoned per chevron.

      Two piles issuing in chief will be found in the arms of Holles, Earl of Clare.

      When three piles, instead of pointing directly at right angles to the line of the chief, all point to the same point, touching or nearly touching at the tips, as in the arms of the Earl of Huntingdon and Chester or in the arms of Isham,[9] they are described as three piles in point. This term and its differentiation

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