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      Ain’t it true! Just think of him.

      First Pallbearer

      Yes; nobody woulda picked him out.

      Second Pallbearer

      Nor my brother John, neither.

      Third Pallbearer

      Well, what must be must be.

      Fourth Pallbearer

      Yes; it don’t do no good to kick. When a man’s time comes he’s got to go.

      Fifth Pallbearer

      We’re lucky if it ain’t us.

      Sixth Pallbearer

      So I always say. We ought to be thankful.

      First Pallbearer

      That’s the way I always feel about it.

      Second Pallbearer

      It wouldn’t do him no good, no matter what we done.

      Third Pallbearer

      We’re here to-day and gone to-morrow.

      Fourth Pallbearer

      But it’s hard all the same.

      Fifth Pallbearer

      It’s hard on her.

      Sixth Pallbearer

      Yes, it is. Why should he go?

      First Pallbearer

      It’s a question nobody ain’t ever answered.

      Second Pallbearer

      Nor never won’t.

      Third Pallbearer

      You’re right there. I talked to a preacher about it once, and even he couldn’t give no answer to it.

      Fourth Pallbearer

      The more you think about it the less you can make it out.

      Fifth Pallbearer

      When I seen him last Wednesday he had no more ideer of it than what you had.

      Sixth Pallbearer

      Well, if I had my choice, that’s the way I would always want to die.

      First Pallbearer

      Yes; that’s what I say. I am with you there.

      Second Pallbearer

      Yes; you’re right, both of you. It don’t do no good to lay sick for months, with doctors’ bills eatin’ you up, and then have to go anyhow.

      Third Pallbearer

      No; when a thing has to be done, the best thing to do is to get it done and over with.

      Fourth Pallbearer

      That’s just what I said to my wife when I heerd.

      Fifth Pallbearer

      But nobody hardly thought that he woulda been the next.

      Sixth Pallbearer

      No; but that’s one of them things you can’t tell.

      First Pallbearer

      You never know who’ll be the next.

      Second Pallbearer

      It’s lucky you don’t.

      Third Pallbearer

      I guess you’re right.

      Fourth Pallbearer

      That’s what my grandfather used to say: you never know what is coming.

      Fifth Pallbearer

      Yes; that’s the way it goes.

      Sixth Pallbearer

      First one, and then somebody else.

      First Pallbearer

      Who it’ll be you can’t say.

      Second Pallbearer

      I always say the same: we’re here to-day——

      Third Pallbearer

      (Cutting in jealousy and humorously.) And to-morrow we ain’t here.

      (A subdued and sinister snicker. It is followed by sudden silence. There is a shuffling of feet in the front room, and whispers. Necks are craned. The pallbearers straighten their backs, hitch their coat collars and pull on their black gloves. The clergyman has arrived. From above comes the sound of weeping.)

       Table of Contents

      "Ruhm und Ewigkeit" (Fame and Eternity), a symphonic poem in B flat minor, Opus 48, by Johann Sigismund Timotheus Albert Wolfgang Kraus (1872- ).

      Kraus, like his eminent compatriot, Dr. Richard Strauss, has gone to Friedrich Nietzsche, the laureate of the modern German tone-art, for his inspiration in this gigantic work. His text is to be found in Nietzsche’s Ecce Homo, which was not published until after the poet’s death, but the composition really belongs to Also sprach Zarathustra, as a glance will show:


      Wie lange sitzest du schon auf deinem Missgeschick? Gieb Acht! Du brütest mir noch ein Ei, ein Basilisken-Ei, aus deinem langen Jammer aus.


       Was schleicht Zarathustra entlang dem Berge?—


      Misstrauisch, geschwürig, düster, ein langer Lauerer— aber plötzlich, ein Blitz, hell, furchtbar, ein Schlag gen Himmel aus dem Abgrund: —dem Berge selber schüttelt sich das Eingeweide. …



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