A Book of the United States. Various

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A Book of the United States - Various

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is so dreadful that it makes all the neighboring islands tremble; the fishermen and navigators fly from it in the utmost terror. The next day, or the second day after every new or full moon, the time when the tides are highest, the river also seems to redouble its power and energy; its waters and those of the ocean rush against each other like the onset of two armies. The banks are inundated with their foaming waves; the rocks drawn along like light vessels, dash against each other, almost upon the surface of the water which bears them on. Loud roarings echo from island to island. It has been said that the Genius of the River and the God of the Ocean contended in battle for the empire of the waves. The Indians call this phenomenon Pororoca.

Names. Length.
Missouri 4,400
Mississippi 3,000
Arkansas 2,100
St. Lawrence 2,000
Mackenzie 2,000
Del Norte 2,000
Nelson 1,500
Columbia 1,500
Red River 1,500
Platte 1,500
Ohio 1,350
Kansas 1,200
White River 1,200
Tennessee 1,100
Alabama 650
Savannah 600
Potomac 550
Connecticut 410
Hudson 324
Delaware 300
Maranon 4,500
La Plata 3,000
Madeira 2,500
Orinoco 1,800
Tocantins 1,800
Ucayale 1,600
St. Francisco 1,500
Paraguay 1,400
Xingu 1,400
Topajos 1,300
Volga 2,040
Danube 1,710
Don 1,050
Dnieper 1,080
Kemi 780
Rhine 670
Elbe 570
Loire 540
Vistula 500
Dniester 480
Tagus 580
Dwina 480
Nile 2,687
Senegal 950
Orange 900
Gambia 700
Yangtse Kian 3,300
Lena 2,470
Amour 2,360
Obi 2,260
Yenisei 2,150
Ganges 2,040
Burrampooter 2,040
Irrawaddy 2,040
Cambodia 2,000
Euphrates 1,820
Hoang Ho 2,900
Meinam 1,600

       Table of Contents

      THE Falls of Niagara have been very frequently and minutely described, though it must be acknowledged, as has been well said by the celebrated Audubon, that all the pictures you may see, all the descriptions you may read of these mighty falls, can only produce in your mind the faint glimmer of a glow-worm compared with the overpowering glory of the meridian sun. ‘What!’ said he, ‘have I come here to mimic nature in her grandest enterprise, and add my caricature of one of the wonders of the world to those which I here see? No.—I give up the vain attempt. I will look on these mighty cataracts, and imprint them where they alone can be represented—on my mind!’ The following very full and accurate description by Mr. Schoolcraft,

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