The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes — Complete. Oliver Wendell Holmes

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The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes — Complete - Oliver Wendell Holmes

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One bold confession due to honest pride;

       And well she knows the drooping veil of song

       Shall save her boldness from the caviller's wrong.

       Her sweeter voice the Heavenly Maid imparts

       To tell the secrets of our aching hearts

       For this, a suppliant, captive, prostrate, bound,

       She kneels imploring at the feet of sound;

       For this, convulsed in thought's maternal pains,

       She loads her arms with rhyme's resounding chains;

       Faint though the music of her fetters be,

       It lends one charm—her lips are ever free!

      Think not I come, in manhood's fiery noon,

       To steal his laurels from the stage buffoon;

       His sword of lath the harlequin may wield;

       Behold the star upon my lifted shield

       Though the just critic pass my humble name,

       And sweeter lips have drained the cup of fame,

       While my gay stanza pleased the banquet's lords,

       The soul within was tuned to deeper chords!

       Say, shall my arms, in other conflicts taught

       To swing aloft the ponderous mace of thought,

       Lift, in obedience to a school-girl's law,

       Mirth's tinsel wand or laughter's tickling straw?

       Say, shall I wound with satire's rankling spear

       The pure, warm hearts that bid me welcome here?

       No! while I wander through the land of dreams,

       To strive with great and play with trifling themes,

       Let some kind meaning fill the varied line.

       You have your judgment; will you trust to mine?

      … … . …

      Between two breaths what crowded mysteries lie—

       The first short gasp, the last and long-drawn sigh!

       Like phantoms painted on the magic slide,

       Forth from the darkness of the past we glide,

       As living shadows for a moment seen

       In airy pageant on the eternal screen,

       Traced by a ray from one unchanging flame,

       Then seek the dust and stillness whence we came.

      But whence and why, our trembling souls inquire,

       Caught these dim visions their awakening fire?

       Oh, who forgets when first the piercing thought

       Through childhood's musings found its way unsought?

       I AM;—I LIVE. The mystery and the fear

       When the dread question, WHAT HAS BROUGHT ME HERE?

       Burst through life's twilight, as before the sun

       Roll the deep thunders of the morning gun!

      Are angel faces, silent and serene,

       Bent on the conflicts of this little scene,

       Whose dream-like efforts, whose unreal strife,

       Are but the preludes to a larger life?

      Or does life's summer see the end of all,

       These leaves of being mouldering as they fall,

       As the old poet vaguely used to deem,

       As WESLEY questioned in his youthful dream?

       Oh, could such mockery reach our souls indeed,

       Give back the Pharaohs' or the Athenian's creed;

       Better than this a Heaven of man's device—

       The Indian's sports, the Moslem's paradise!

      Or is our being's only end and aim

       To add new glories to our Maker's name,

       As the poor insect, shrivelling in the blaze,

       Lends a faint sparkle to its streaming rays?

       Does earth send upward to the Eternal's ear

       The mingled discords of her jarring sphere

       To swell his anthem, while creation rings

       With notes of anguish from its shattered strings?

       Is it for this the immortal Artist means

       These conscious, throbbing, agonized machines?

      Dark is the soul whose sullen creed can bind

       In chains like these the all-embracing Mind;

       No! two-faced bigot, thou dost ill reprove

       The sensual, selfish, yet benignant Jove,

       And praise a tyrant throned in lonely pride,

       Who loves himself, and cares for naught beside;

       Who gave thee, summoned from primeval night,

       A thousand laws, and not a single right—

       A heart to feel, and quivering nerves to thrill,

       The sense of wrong, the death-defying will;

       Who girt thy senses with this goodly frame,

       Its earthly glories and its orbs of flame,

       Not for thyself, unworthy of a thought,

       Poor helpless victim of a life unsought,

       But all for him, unchanging and supreme,

       The heartless centre of thy frozen scheme.

      Trust not the teacher with his lying scroll,

       Who tears the charter of thy shuddering soul;

       The God of love, who gave the breath that warms

       All living dust in all its varied forms,

       Asks not the tribute of a world like this


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