A Cruising Voyage Around the World. Woodes Rogers

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A Cruising Voyage Around the World - Woodes Rogers

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Company, and they had no more but our Musick.

      The Town consists of about sixty low Houses built of Mud, cover’d with Palmetto Leaves, and meanly furnish’d. They told us they had been plunder’d by the French, or perhaps they hid their Plate and other best Movables, because they were in doubt whether we were Friends or Enemies. They have two Churches and a Franciscan Monastery tolerably decent, but not rich in Ornaments: They have also a Guard-house, where there are about 20 Men commanded by the Governour, a Lieutenant, and Ensign. The Monastery had some black Cattel belonging to it, but the Fathers would sell us none.

      The Fish we saw in the Road were Sharks, so well known that I need not describe them. 2. Pilot-Fishes, so call’d because they commonly attend the Sharks, find out their Prey for ’em, and are never devour’d by ’em. 3. The Sucking-Fish, so call’d because of a Sucker about two inches long on the top of their Heads, by the Slime of which they stick so fast to Sharks and other large Fish, that they are not easily pull’d off. 4. Parrot-Fish, so nam’d because their Mouths resemble the Beak of a Parrot. 5. A Rock-Fish, which is very good, and much like our Cod. 6. Silver-Fish in great plenty: ’tis a deep-body’d bright Fish, from 12 to 18 inches long, and very good Meat: But there are so many sorts of good Fish here, that we can’t describe ’em all.

      At the Isle of Grande

      Nov. 28. Yesterday in the Afternoon we left Angre de Reys; when we got aboard, we found the Main-Mast rigg’d, with every thing ready. This Morning we got our Ship out by our Consort, and the Wind being out of the way, and but little, we went with our Boat to the Town, to get Liquors for the Voyage, and bring the Gentlemen of the Town aboard our Ships, where we treated ’em the best we could. They were very merry, and in their Cups propos’d the Pope’s Health to us; but we were quits with ’em, by toasting that of the Archbishop of Canterbury: to keep up the Humour, we also propos’d William Pen’s to them; and they lik’d the Liquor so well, that they refus’d neither. We made the Governour and the Fathers of the Convent a handsom Present of Butter and Cheese from both Ships, in consideration of the small Presents and yesterday’s Favours from ’em, and as a farther Obligation on ’em to be careful of our Letters, which we took this opportunity to deliver into their own hands. I shall say no more of our Letters, but that they contain’d every thing material since my coming out, with two Postscripts wrote by Capt. Dover and Capt. Courtney, to put it out of doubt amongst all those concern’d, that we join’d heartily in prosecuting our long Undertaking, and that our Officers behav’d themselves to satisfaction; which may clear up some Difficulties started amongst the Gentlemen at home before we sail’d, that were a great Hindrance and Discouragement to us in the beginning, because Mismanagement and Misunderstanding amongst the Officers never fail of ill Effects to the Voyage, and of spoiling the Men; which is an irrecoverable Loss.

      Nov. 29. Yesterday in the Afternoon our Yall went to Town to get Necessaries for our next long Voyage, because we were to run near 2000 Leagues before we could expect any Recruit of Liquors, unless by extraordinary good fortune. In the Evening it came on blowing with thick Showers of Rain, which prevented the Governour and the rest from going ashore that night. This Morning the Governour and Company were carry’d ashore: at parting we saluted ’em with a Huzza from each Ship, because we were not overstock’d with Pouder. After which all the Officers of the Committee met on board the Dutchess, where we enquir’d into the true Cause of the aforesaid Indian’s Death, and protested against Mr. Vanbrugh (who was the Occasion) for commanding our Ships Pinnace as he did in chase of the Canoe unknown to me, and without my Order. At the same time I desir’d to have the Committee’s Hands, if they approv’d what I had transacted since my leaving the Canary Islands, which they very readily sign’d, as also the Protest against Mr. Vanbrugh’s unadvis’d Management; for I was sensible that good Order and Discipline in Privateers was the only Method to support my self and the other Officers, and keep up our Authority, which is so essential towards acting with Success and Vigour on all occasions. This made it highly necessary in the Infancy of our Undertaking to prevent Innovations in Command, which inevitably confound the most promising Designs. Therefore I thought it a fit time now to resent ignorant and wilful Actions publickly, and to shew the Vanity and Mischief of ’em, rather than to delay or excuse such Proceedings; which would have made the Distemper too prevalent, and brought all to remediless Confusion, had we indulg’d conceited Persons with a liberty of hazarding the fairest Opportunities of Success. The above-mention’d Resolves of the Committee follow.

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