The Principles of Economics, with Applications to Practical Problems. Frank A. Fetter

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The Principles of Economics, with Applications to Practical Problems - Frank A. Fetter

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href="#ulink_fcfc3024-3f75-5398-b63f-e528cc7a8ede">108 15 The Capitalization of All Forms of Rent: The Purchase of Rent-charges as an Example of Capitalization; Capitalization Involved in the Evaluating of Indirect Agents; The Increasing Role of Capitalization in Modern Industry 118 16 Interest on Money Loans: Various Forms of Contract Interest; The Motive for Paying Interest 131 17 The Theory of Time-value: Definition and Scope of Time-value; The Adjustment of the Rate of Time-discount 141 18 Relatively Fixed and Relatively Increasable Forms of Capital: How Various Forms of Capital May Be Increased; Social Significance of These Differences 152 19 Saving and Production as Affected by the Rate of Interest: Saving as Affected by the Interest Rate; Conditions Favorable to Saving; Influence of the Interest Rate on Methods of Production 159 PART II The Value of Human Services 171−355 DIVISION A—LABOR AND WAGES 20 Labor and Classes of Laborers: Relation of Labor to Wealth; Varieties of Talents and of Abilities in Men 173 21 The Supply of Labor: What Is a Doctrine of Population? Population in Human Society; Current Aspect of the Population Problem 184 22 Conditions for Efficient Labor: Objective Physical Conditions; Social Conditions Favoring Efficiency; Division of Labor 195 23 The Law of Wages: Nature of Wages and the Wages Problem; The Different Modes of Earning Wages; Wages as Exemplifying the General Law of Value 205 24 The Relation of Labor to Value: Relation of Rent to Wages, Relation of Time-value to Wages; The Relation of Labor to Value 215 25 The Wage System and its Results: Systems of Labor; The Wage System as it Is; Progress of the Masses Under the Wage System 226 26 Machinery and Labor: Extent of the Use of Machinery; Effect of Machinery on the Welfare and Wages of the Masses 236 27 Trade-unions: The Objects of Trade-unions; The Methods of Trade-unions; Combination and Wages 245 DIVISION B—ENTERPRISE AND PROFITS 28 Production and the Combination of the Factors: The Nature of Production; Combination of the Factors 257 29 Business Organization and the Enterpriser's Function: The Direction of Industry; Qualities of a Business Organizer; The Selection of Ability 265 30 Cost of Production: Cost of Production from the Enterpriser's Point of View; Cost of Production from the Economist's Standpoint 273 31 The Law of Profits: Meaning of Terms; The Typical Enterpriser's Services Reviewed; Statement of the Law of Profits 282 32 Profit-sharing, Producers' and Consumers' Coöperation: Profit-sharing; Producers' Coöperation; Consumers' Coöperation 292 33 Monopoly Profits: Nature of Monopoly; Kinds of Monopoly; The Fixing of a Monopoly Price 302 34 Growth of Trusts and Combinations in the United States: Growth of Large Industry in the United States; Advantages of Large Production; Causes of Industrial Combinations 312 35 Effect of Trusts on Prices: How Trusts Might Affect Prices; How Trusts Have Affected Prices 323 36 Gambling, Speculation, and Promoters' Profits: Gambling vs. Insurance; The Speculator as a Risk taker; Promoter's and Trustee's Profits 333 37 Crises and Industrial Depressions: Definition and Description of Crises; Crises in the Nineteenth Century; Various Explanations of Crises 345 PART III The Social Aspects of Value 357−563 DIVISION A—RELATION OF PRIVATE INCOME TO SOCIAL WELFARE 38 Private Property and Inheritance: Impersonal and Personal Shares of Income; The Origin of Private Property; Limitations of the Right of Private Property 359 39 Income and Social Service: Income from Property; Income from Personal Services 370 40 Waste and Luxury: Waste of Wealth; Luxury 381 41 Reaction of Consumption on Production: Reaction upon Material Productive Agents; Reaction upon the Efficiency of the Workers; Effects on the Abiding Welfare of the Consumer 392 42 Distribution of the Social Income: The Nature of Personal Distribution; Methods of Personal Distribution 402 43 Survey of the Theory of Value: Review of the Plan Followed; Relation of Value Theories to Social Reforms; Interrelation of Economic Agents 412 DIVISION B—RELATION OF THE STATE TO INDUSTRY 44 Free Competition and State Action: Competition and Custom; Economic Harmony through Competition; Social Limiting of Competition 422 45 Use, Coinage, and Value of Money: The Precious Metals as Money; The Quantity Theory of Money 431 46 Token Coinage and Government Paper Money: Light-Weight Coins; Paper Money Experiments; Theories of Political Money 443 47 The Standard of Deferred Payments: Function of the Standard; International Bimetallism; The Free-silver Movement in America 453 48 Banking and Credit: Functions of a Bank; Typical Bank Money; Banks of the United States To-day 462 49 Taxation in its Relation to Value: Purposes of Taxation; Forms of Taxation; Principles and Practice 471 50 The General Theory of International Trade: International Trade as a Case of Exchange; Theory of Foreign Exchanges of Money; Real Benefits of Foreign Trade 480 51 The Protective Tariff: The Nature and Claims of Protection; The Reasonable Measure of Justification of Protection; Values as Affected by Protection 491 52 Other Protective Social and Labor Legislation: Social Legislation; Labor Legislation 504 53 Public Ownership of Industry: Examples of Public Ownership; Economic Aspects of Public Ownership 514 54 Railroads and Industry: Transportation as a Form of Production; The Railroad as a Carrier; Discrimination in Rates on Railroads 525 55 The Public Nature of Railroads: Public Privileges of Railroad Corporations; Political and Economic Power of Railroad Managers; Commissions to Control Railroads 534 56 Public Policy as to Control of Industry: State Regulation of Corporate Industry; Difficulties of Public Control of Industry; Trend of Policy as to Public Industrial Activity 544 57 Future Trend of Values: Past and Present

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