Using Stata for Quantitative Analysis. Kyle C. Longest

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Using Stata for Quantitative Analysis - Kyle C. Longest

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were numerical responses, so they do not have any value labels that could be attached to them. You can see the actual numerical codes for each variable using the Data Browser window by clicking on the Tools menu, selecting Value Labels, and clicking Hide All Value Labels. When you do so, you will see the cases that were “Male” now display “0,” and the cases that were “Female” now display “1.” Or you can highlight (using either the direction keys or the mouse) a particular cell (e.g., “Male”). When you do so, the actual value is listed in a pane just underneath the icons.


      1 Open the “Chapter 1 Exercise Data.dta” data file.

      2 Save a copy of the open data file named “Chapter 1 Ex mycopy.dta.”

      3 Using the Data Browser, determine how many cases and variables are in the data set.

      4 Which of the variables is a string variable?

      5 Use the Data Editor to change the agefstdt value of the last case from 14 to 13.

      6 Use the Data Editor to input an additional case with the following characteristics: ids value of 1004, is Male, completed the 12th grade, went on his first date at 16, lives in the Pacific census region, and does not live with his parents.

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