Leg over Leg. Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq

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Leg over Leg - Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq Library of Arabic Literature

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ونبضت عروقه فاثر ان يبيت مع من تنفخ فى وجهه *
When she tells him at table (to make him choke), “How handsome is (such and such a young man) who walked along with us and how amusing and kind and full of savor, how full of youth and sap and ardor!” When he sits down to eat alone and sets to thinking, saying to himself, “How beautiful is (such and such a woman) whom I saw walking with (such and such a man) and how amusing she is and full of savor and how full of youth and ardor!”
When he goes to bed that night and he’s tired and has a headache and dozes off for a while and then feels her moving against his side and he performs his marital duty with gritted teeth. When he goes to bed and he’s relaxed and full of beans and then feels himself moving and puts out his hand and it comes up against the wall, or a nail, or a peg, and comes away covered with blood.
When he lives in a certain house and his closest neighbor is a beautiful youth who keeps dropping by in the name of good-neighborliness. When he lives in a certain house and his neighbor is a beautiful girl and he cannot use good-neighborliness as a way to get to her.
When he falls ill and is stuck in bed whining and moaning while she’s stuck to the window wolf-whistling and groaning. When he sees his neighbor sick in bed whining and moaning while his wife’s at the neighbor’s side groaning and bemoaning.
When summer comes and he feels listless and lifeless, unsexed and unmanned, and his sinews go slack and he'd prefer to sleep alone. When winter comes and he feels shaken and stirred, distended and agitated, and his sinews throb and he'd prefer to spend the night with someone puffing in his face.


اذا عنّ له سفر لا بدّ منه ولم يمكن له مصاحبة زوجته * اذا راى جاره قد سافر وترك زوجته خبعة طلعة راغية ثاغية *
اذا غاب عن زوجته او غابت هى عنه فجعلت تكتب له ما تغيره به وتكيده وتقهره * اذا غاب رجل عن زوجته او غابت هى عنه فجعلت تكتب له ما تصبّره به وتسلّيه وتمنّيه *
اذا قرا فى الكتب ان النسآ كلهن خائنات وان عقولهن فى فروجهن * اذا سمع عن امراة انها لم تخن زوجها وانها ردّت فى حبه هدايا عشاق كثيرين *
اذا ركبه الضَفَف فلم يقدر على كفاية عائلته ولم تكن امراته جميلة لتنفعه * اذا راى امراة جميلة تماشى ولدا لها صغيرا بزيعًا فيقع فى الارض فتنهضه بيدها فيبكى قليلا حتى يحمر خدّاه *
اذا جآ من محترفه وقابلته امراته بالصخب والمشارزة والنقار والضجيج والجؤار * اذا راى جاره قد آب من محترفه فسمع له ولزوجته رَتَلا وزَجَلا وهَمْسا ورِكزا ومباغمة ثم رفَثًا *
When a journey looms that is unavoidable and on which he cannot take his wife. When his neighbor goes off on a journey and leaves his wife now appearing, now retreating, now blatting, now bleating.
When he’s away from his wife or she’s away from him and she writes him things that make him jealous, lay snares for him, and leave him a broken man. When some man’s away from his wife or she’s away from him, and she writes him things that help him endure, comfort him, and give him hope.105
When he reads in books that all women are unfaithful and their brains are in their vaginas. When he hears of some woman that she has never betrayed her husband and has returned, out of love for him, the gifts of many suitors.
When he finds he has too many children to feed and can’t provide for his family and his wife’s no longer beautiful enough to be of any use to him. When he sees a beautiful woman walking with a small child of hers who’s cute and bright and he falls down and she pulls him up again and he cries a little, so that his cheeks turn red.
When he comes home from work and his wife meets him with scolding and bad temper, bickering, bellowing, and bawling. When he sees his neighbor’s returned from work and hears him and his wife billing and cooing, whispering and rustling, talking in low, sweet voices, and, finally, talking dirty.


اذا غاب عن بيته ورجع فوجد فراشه مشوّشا وشعر امراته مشعّثا بعد ان كانت اصلحتهما قبل خروجه * اذا رجع الى بيته فائزا بوطر ووجد فرشه موضونا وليس من تملاه شحما ولحما ثم راى فى جملة ذخائره خصلة شعر *
اذا رآها تسارّ الخادم او الخادمة وتانس بهما وتتساهل معهما وتحسن اليهما * اذا راى امراة لا تسارّ الخادم ولا الخادمة ولا تبتسم لهما ولا تخلو باحد منهما *
اذا رآها تتوقف فى المشى كلّما مرّ بها جميل بدعوى ضيق نعليها او غيره * اذا راى امراة تماشى زوجها وطرفها اليه ولا يزعجها من يمرّ بها كائنا ما كان *
اذا اضطجعت حتى ينظرها من هو اعلى منها او اسفل واشوق ما تكون المراة ما اذا اضطجعت على جنبها * اذا راى امراة قد اضطرّت الى الاضطجاع وابت ذلك حيآ وحشمة سوآ كان ذلك فى حضور زوجها او فى غيابه *
اذا كانت ذات هوى وضلع مع جيل بخصوصه ولا تزال تلهج بذكره * اذا كانت المراة غير ذات ميل وحذل مع احد وعندها

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