Leg over Leg. Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq
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“‘Let’s get back to traveling,’ I said. ‘I leave today.’ ‘Indeed,’ she said, ‘—for the lands of the white-skinned beauties.’ ‘Do you talk of men or women?’ I enquired. ‘I talk of one sex,’ she replied, ‘but what worries me is the other.’ ‘And why should that sex be a concern,’ I asked, ‘when it’s you women who, in any circumstances, are the ones pursued, which is why they call a beautiful woman a ghāniyah19?; as the author of the Qāmūs says, “the ghāniyah is a woman who is pursued and does not herself need to pursue.”’ She said, ‘Excellent words, but earlier he says, “ʿawānī20 is a word for women, because they are mistreated and no one takes their side,” though the dot on the one ought to put in a good word for the other.’21 ‘Love of “dotting,”’ I said, ‘is an ancient habit among you women.’22 ‘As “scripting” is among men,’23 she retorted, ‘but be that as it may; our being desired is the root of our worries, for the woman who is desired is by definition a woman whose honor is valued and guarded. Woe betide her then if she betrays her guardian and woe betide her if she denies the one who desires her, for then she will spend the night worrying over having denied him and over his disappointment and the fact that she has become a cause of his sleeplessness, anguish, and sorrow, and the woman who chases men ends up unchased.’24 I said, ‘Men’s morals are not all the same where that’s concerned,’ to which she returned, ‘I mean the men who desire, and fall in love with the ones they desire, not those fornicating omnivorous fickle-hearted ones whose custom is to take a nibble here and a nibble there and move from one object of desire to another, taking only what is of use to them without caring about what may be of use to others. How few, though, are the former! Is there a single man who can maintain an affection and not deviate from it every day? I swear, were women to desire men as much as men desire women, you wouldn’t find a single man unbewitched.’
قلت هل فى النسآ من تقيم على الوداد ولا تجنح عنه كل يوم الف مرة * هذه الكتب كلها تشهد للرحيال بالوفآ وعلى النسآ بالخيدعية * قالت مَن كتب هذه الكتب اليس الرجال هم الذين لفّقوها * قلت ولكن من بعد التحرّى والتجربة * قالت مَن يات الحَكَم وحده يفلج * قلت بل اوردوا على ذلك شواهد وكفى بما ورد عن سيدنا سليمن برهانا ودليلا * فانه قال قد وجدت بين الف من الرجال صالحا فاما بين النسآ فلم اجد صالحة * قالت ان سيدنا سليمن وان يكن قد اوتى من الحكمة ما لم يوتَه غيره غير ان افراطه فى النسآ شوش عليه الصالحة منهن من غير الصالحة * اَلَا ترى ان بائع المسك لطول ائتلافه بالرائحة القوية تضعف منه حاسة الشم بحيث لا يعود يشم الرائحة اللطيفة * واما ايراد الادلة من الرجال على النسآ دون ايراد ادلة النسآ على الرجال فمحض ظلم وبطر *
“‘Is there a single woman who can maintain affection and not deviate from it each day a thousand times?’ I asked her. ‘All books bear witness to the trustworthiness of men and the treachery of women.’ ‘Weren’t the ones who wrote those books men?’ she countered. ‘They’re the ones who made up those stories.’ ‘But only after investigation and experience,’ I answered. ‘If you go to the arbitrator alone, you win,’ she said. ‘Quite the reverse,’ I said. ‘They have provided testimonies. The words of Our Master Sulaymān, who said, “I have found one righteous man among a thousand but I have not found a single righteous woman” may serve as sufficient proof and evidence.’ ‘Even if Our Master Sulaymān was granted wisdom given to none other,’ she said, ‘his excessive indulgence in women rendered him incapable of distinguishing the righteous among them from the unrighteous. Have you not observed how the musk-seller’s sense of smell weakens from length of exposure to its strong odor until he can no longer distinguish any more delicate scent? As far as providing the testimony of men against women without providing that of women against men is concerned, it is patent injustice and high-handedness.’
قلت نعم كان الاَوْلَى مناصفة هذا الايراد ولكن سبحان الله انتن تتهمن الرجال فى كل شى ثم تتهافتن عليهم * قالت لولا اضطرار الاحوال * لما شغلن بذلك الابوال * قال فضحكت وقلت اىّ جمع هذا * قالت قسته على غيره * قلت وهل استوى المقيس بالمقيس عليه * قالت لا فرق * قلت بل كله فرق فان اللغة لا توخذ بالقياس * ولو صح ذلك لم تكن مناسبة بين الذكر والانثى ولا بين الاثنى والذكر * ولا بين تذكير حقيقة التانيث وتانيث ما هو غير مقابل بمثله * قالت وهذا ايضا من بطر الرجال وتشويشهم فلا يكادون ياتون امرا مستقيما * قلت قد رجعت الى لومهم *
“‘Indeed,’ I said, ‘evenhandedness in such citations would be preferable but, glory be, you women level every possible charge against men and then fall over one another to make a fuss over them!’ She responded, ‘Were it not that society works to make them martyrs, women wouldn’t allow such ideas anywhere near their medulla oblongarters.’”25