The Principles of Sufism. 'A'ishah al-Ba'uniyyah
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As for the Sufi folk, God’s people, their discussion of repentance is extensive and limitless, and absolutely true concerning repentance. Ruwaym, may God be pleased with him, said, “The meaning of repentance is that you turn away from repentance,” that is, from the regard for repentance and attention to it, since attention to something other than God is a veil.18 Al-Nūrī said, “That is, you turn away from everything except God the Exalted.”19 ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAlī al-Tamīmī Abū Naṣr al-Sarrāj said, “What a difference there is between the penitent who repents of moral lapses, the penitent who repents of heedless things, and the penitent who repents of regard for his good deeds.”20
وسُئِلَ الحُسين المَغازليّ عن التوبة فقال: تسألني عن توبة الإنابة أو عن توبة الاستجابة؟ فقال السائل: ما توبة الإنابة؟ قال: أن تخاف من أجل قدرته عليك. قال: فما توبة الاستجابة؟ قال: أن تستحيي من الله تعالى لقربه منك وهذه التوبة الثانية أعلى من الأولى فإنّ ترك الذنب خوفَ العقوبة طلبُ حظّ فيكون بذلك راجعًا إلى نفسه وتركها حياءً من ربّه تعالى إجلالاً لربوبيّته أعلى وأشرف لأنّ بها تصحّ عبوديّته التي بها شرّفه.
When asked about repentance al-Ḥusayn al-Maghāzilī said, “Are you asking me about turning to God in repentance or turning to Him in deference?” The questioner replied, “What is turning to Him in repentance?” and he said, “That you fear His power over you.” The questioner asked, “Then what is turning to Him in deference?” and he said, “That you are ashamed before God the Exalted because of His nearness to you.”21 This second turning is higher than the first since renouncing sin out of fear of retribution is merely seeking good fortune and only done for one’s self. However, renouncing sin out of shame before one’s exalted Lord to glorify His lordship, is higher and nobler since turning in shame proves true the servitude by which one exalts Him.
وقال أبو عليّ الدَقَّاق: التوبة على ثلاثة أقسام: أوّلها التوبة وأوسطها الإنابة وآخرها الأوبة فالتوبة بداية والإنابة توسُّط والأوبة نهاية فالتائب خوف العقوبة صاحب توبة والتائب للثَواب صاحب إنابة والتائب مراعاة الأمر لا لرغبة ولا لرهبة صاحب أوبة. هذا ملخّص ما ذكره الأستاذ أبو القاسِم القُشيريّ عنه.
Abū ʿAlī al-Daqqāq said, “Repentance has three stages: the first is repenting, the second is turning toward God, and the final part is returning to God. Therefore, repenting is the beginning, turning is the middle, and returning is the end. Thus one who repents out of fear of retribution has repented, and one who repents for a reward has turned to God. As for the one who turns out of deference to the divine command, neither out of desire or out of fear, he has returned.” This is a summary of what the master Abū l-Qāsim al-Qushayrī relates.22
وقال ذُو النُون المصريّ: توبة العامّة من الذنوب وتوبة الخاصّة من الغفلة وتوبة الأنبياء من رؤية عجز غيرهم عن بلوغ ما نالوه. وقال إبراهيم الدَقّاق: التوبة أن تكون لله وجهًا بِلا قفا كما كنت له قفا بلا وجه. معناها أنْ تكون مقبلاً عليه معرضًا عمّا سواه.
Dhū l-Nūn al-Miṣrī said, “The repentance of the common people is for sin. The repentance of the people of spiritual distinction is for heedlessness, and the repentance of the prophets is for regarding the weakness of others who fail to attain what they did.” Ibrāhīm al-Daqqāq said, “Repentance is that you face God without turning your back on Him, whereas before, you used to turn your back on Him and never faced Him.”23 This means that you devote yourself to Him, shunning everything but Him.
وقيل التوبة الندم على ما مضى والعكوف على ما صفا وقيل التوبة النقلة ممّا نهى الله إلى ما أمر الله وقيل التوبة الإقبال على الحقّ والإعراض عن الخلق وقيل التوبة الصدق واللَجأ والكَدّ على الرجاء وقيل التوبة استشعار الخَجَل لما عمل من الزلَل وقيل التوبة الأسف على ما سلَف وقيل التوبة الرجوع إلى الله تعالى في كلّ لحظة وخطرة ولَمْحة وقيل التوبة الحياء العاصم والبكاء الدائم وقيل التوبة خلع لباس الجفاء ونشر لباس الوفاء وقيل التوبة الرجوع من الأوصاف المذمومة إلى الأوصاف المحمودة ولا يتمّ ذلك إلّا بالخلوة والصمت عن كلّ كلام لا خير فيه وأكل الحلال وقيل التوبة نار في القلب تلتهب وصَدْع لا ينشعب.
It has been said that repentance is remorse for what has passed and clinging to what is pure. Some say that repentance is moving away from what God has forbidden toward what God has commanded. It has been said that repentance is devotion to the True Reality and shunning created things, and that repentance is sincerity, seeking refuge, and striving persistently with hope. It has been said that repentance is feeling shame when one makes a mistake, and that repentance is sorrow for what has passed. Some say that repentance is the return to God the Exalted in every instant, thought, and glance, and that repentance is shame that restrains one from sin, and constant tears of remorse. It has been said that repentance is removing the garment of estrangement and donning the garment of fidelity. Some say that repentance is the return from blameworthy attributes to praiseworthy attributes, which can only be brought about by seclusion, by holding one’s