The Dark Ages Collection. David Hume
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Greens. God, you say, cannot be tempted with evil? Who is it then who wrongs me? Let some philosopher or hermit explain the distinction. Mandator. Accursed blasphemers, when will ye hold your peace? Greens. If it is the pleasure of your Majesty, I hold my peace, albeit unwillingly. I know all — all, but I say nothing. Good-bye, Justice! you are no longer in fashion. I shall turn and become a Jew. Better to be a “Greek” (pagan) than a Blue, God knows. Blues. You are detestable, I cannot abide the sight of you. Your enmity dismays me. Greens. Let the bones of the spectators be exhumed.204 The language of this astonishing dialogue obeys metrical laws, which concern not quantity but the number of the syllables and the accentuation of the last word in each clause. The most frequently occurring form is five syllables with the penultimate accented + four with the antepenultimate (or ultimate?) accented, e.g.: οὐδὲ τὸ παλάτιν τρισαύγουστε.
It is evident that to converse in metrical chant both the Imperial mandator and the spokesmen of the demes must have had a special training in the art of improvising.205
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