Fury's Love. Tess Mathews
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The walk back to the cabin was silent, and Fury knew something was on Hank's mind.
"Hank, what's going on? Did I do something wrong today? Is there something you want me to work on?"
"No, you've learned everything I wanted to teach you, Fury." Hank's voice hitched. "You are ready to leave if you still want to go."
"Yes, I do."
Hank nodded. He hung his head as they plodded along in silence. They were almost to the cabin when Hank stopped and turned to face her. "Fury, what will you do to support yourself?"
"I been meaning to tell you that." Fury shifted her weight. "I'm going to be a bounty hunter."
"What?" Hank yelled. "Do you know how dangerous that is?"
"Yes, I do, Hank, but hear me out. I want to find my parents' murderers, and I need information. Who better to get information from but other criminals?"
"You think some criminal is just gonna spill his guts to you?"
"No, I know it won't be easy, but you taught me well. I know I can do it because I have to do it."
"What about the fact you are a girl; that will bring you a world of trouble, especially if you are hunting criminals," Hank growled.
"I've thought of that. I'm gonna pass myself off as a man."
Hank almost laughed. "A man! You could barely pass yourself off as a boy."
"I believe if I dress in loose fitting clothes and a jacket, no one will know I'm female. And I will have to cut my hair off."
"Cut your hair off?" Sometimes Hank could not believe how much she'd changed. Belle would have never cut her hair, but as she said, she was not Belle; she was Fury.
"It has to be done, Hank. Also, Hank, there is something else I want you to do for me."
"Let's hear it."
"I want you to spread rumors about me, about Fury."
"Hear me out, Hank. You start telling the right people about a new bounty hunter named Fury. You could give me a reputation the criminals will take seriously. Warn them. Tell them there's a new bounty hunter, only goes by the name Fury. You heard people say don't let his age or size fool you. Hank, you could tell them things like that, and it might make things easier for me."
Hank was silent. He thought about what Fury said and knew she was right.
"All right," he answered," but you need to stay here a bit longer, to give time for the rumors to get around. And, Fury, remember, I didn't help you so you could get revenge. I helped you so you could get justice."
Fury nodded. "Thank you, Hank."
Hank told his tall tales of the bounty hunter named Fury at saloons and general stores. He went anywhere he knew people gathered to gossip. The name Fury soon became a name to be respected.
"Don't judge Fury by his size," he heard people say. "He is the best shot around and can fight like a grizzly bear." It didn't take long for the stories of Fury to spread and become embellished with each retelling.
When Fury believed enough time passed for the rumors to take hold, she announced she was leaving. Hank and Little Dove gave nervous goodbyes, and Fury thanked them, promising to do her best to keep in touch—a promise she knew she would break.
Chapter 5
"Boy, it's hot." Travis wiped the sweat from his brow.
"What's wrong? Ya getting soft in yer old age?" Dave chuckled.
"I've tracked every kinda criminal there is, hot days, cold nights, and stormy weather. Used to never bother me, but today I'm hot. I'm getting tired of this job."
"You, Travis Parker, tired of being a ranger? Huh, I don't believe it. Ya used to say ya wanted to join up since ya was a young'n."
"I don't know why you don't give it up, Dave. You got a wife and a baby on the way. That's a life I dream of, but that's a dream, not real life. Dreams and real life ain't the same thing. Women don't marry lawmen."
"Hey, remember, I'm married."
"That's cause Mary is a rare woman, and you're a lucky man. Don't matter anyhow, haven't ever met a gal I would want to court." Travis shifted in his saddle. "Cept'n one," he muttered.
"What?" Dave pulled the horse reins. "You met a girl?"
A warmth spread across his face. Great, he heard me.
"It ain't nothing. Come on; let's go." Travis kicked his horse's flanks.
"No. I ain't movin' from this spot until ya tell me about this gal."
"Come on now, Dave, we gotta get to Greenville, to fetch the prisoner then escort him to Clairton so he can stand trial."
"Then ya better start talking."
Travis sighed. "All right, all right, I'll tell you," he said as he dug in his pocket, retrieving a folded-up paper. He took a deep breath and handed it to Dave.
"What's this?"
"Just read it."
"Missing, Belle Alston," Dave read aloud, "5'5", brown hair, violet-blue eyes, birthmark right arm, bell shaped. If you have any information—"
Travis snatched the paper from Dave's hand and returned it to his pocket. "Go on now; have your laugh."
"Travis, who is she?"
Travis sucked in some air. "Belle Alston. Her parents were murdered, and her home burned to the ground, but we couldn't find Belle. I was assigned to search for her. That was three years ago."
"And you fell in love with a picture?"
"No, you idiot. I met her at a dance. Her parents were murdered the same night."
"And you fell in love with her?"
"You can laugh at me if you want, but I did, or at least I was startin' to. I've never given up looking for her."
"I ain't laughing. Same thing happened to me when I met Mary. The first time I saw Mary, she was workin' in her pa's store. I came in the store and went up to the counter, didn't see anyone there, so I yelled out. Well, up pops Mary from behind the counter, scared the shit out of me. She was the purdiest girl I'd ever seen. Knew right then and there, I would marry her, and I did. So, I ain't laughin', Travis."
Travis saw a look of concern cross Dave's face. "I tell ya what, partner," Dave said. "We are almost to the road to Serenity. Why don't you go there and take a break, get a good meal, and sleep in a real bed. I'll go on to Greenville and get the prisoner and meet up with you in Serenity, then I'll hand over the prisoner and you can take him the rest of the way to Clairton, and I can go home to Mary and maybe the baby if'n he decides to come."