CELTIC MYTHOLOGY (Illustrated Edition). T. W. Rolleston

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CELTIC MYTHOLOGY (Illustrated Edition) - T. W. Rolleston

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just considered—Nodons with Nudd or Lludd, Belenos with Belinus or Beli, Maponos with Mabon, Taranos (in continental inscriptions only), with a Taran mentioned in Kulhwych.396 Others are referred to in classical writings—Andrasta, a goddess of victory, to whom Boudicca prayed;397 Sul, a goddess of hot springs, equated with Minerva at Bath.398 Inscriptions also mention Epona, the horse-goddess; Brigantia, perhaps a form of Brigit; Belisama (the Mersey in Ptolemy),399 a goddess in Gaulish inscriptions. Others refer to the group goddesses, the Matres. Some gods are equated with Mars—Camulos, known also on the Continent and perhaps the same as Cumal, father of Fionn; Belatucadros, "comely in slaughter"; Cocidius, Corotiacus, Barrex, and Totatis (perhaps Lucan's Teutates). Others are equated with Apollo in his character as a god of healing—Anextiomarus, Grannos (at Musselburgh and in many continental inscriptions), Arvalus, Mogons, etc. Most of these and many others found on isolated inscriptions were probably local in character, though some, occurring also on the Continent, had attained a wider popularity.400 But some of the inscriptions referring to the latter may be due to Gaulish soldiers quartered in Britain.


       Italics denote names found in Inscriptions.

Anextiomarus Anextiomarus
Anu Anna (?) Anoniredi, "chariot of Anu"
Badb Bodua
Beli, Belinus Belenos
Belisama Belisama
Brigit Brigantia Brigindu
Bron Bran Brennus (?)
Buanann Buanu
Cumal Camulos Camulos
Danu Dôn
Epona Epona
Goibniu Govannon
Grannos Grannos
Ler Llyr
Lug Llew or Lleu (?) Lugus, Lugores
Mabon, Maponos Maponos
Manannan Manawyddan
Matres Matres
Mider Medros (?)
Modron Matrona (?)
Nemon Nemetona
Nét Neton
Nuada Nodons, Nudd
Hael, Llûdd (?)
Ogma Ogmíos
Silvanus Silvanus
Taran Taranis
Totatis, Tutatis Teutates

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