The Cultural Construction of Monstrous Children. Группа авторов

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The Cultural Construction of Monstrous Children - Группа авторов

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often than not, the nearest ‘answer’ to the questions raised by the latest versions of childhood monstrosity are a mixture of the old and the new, myth and reality. Burke’s chapter is not necessarily a positive interpretation of the monstrous child and shows how anxiety over the unknown and the future seems to find an easy home within the form of a child. Interestingly here, the BEKs, which follow the recent phenomenon in popular culture of representing people who are possessed or demonic with black glassy eyes, are more of a universalization of the monstrous child, with little specific or individual detail to distinguish the various sightings apart. As such, and as Burke’s piece suggests, it makes an obvious comparison to Jung’s ideas around archetypes and the figure of the child, a shared signifier across cultures and time periods. But the fit with Jung’s interpretations is not an easy one and as Burke observes:

      Entanglements with contemporary nodes of anxiety then weave together with Jung’s theory and older embodiments of unwelcome children to create the BEKs, a projection, or vessel, into which twentieth and twenty-first century culture can pour its anxiety, a process Burke describes as an urban legend, as online folklore, which utilizes already existing tropes from vampire/faery/spectral tropes to give form to this psychological projection. The monstrous child in this view begins to give form to a growing feeling of disconnection between the past and the present, where adults fear the black-eyed or ‘soulless’ future that they are heading towards – a situation which is only exacerbated by the increasingly strict demarcations between childhood and adulthood.

      ‘Indigo Children: Unexpected Consequences of a Process of Pathologization’, by Gerhard Mayer and Anita Brutler, shows a positive solution to the ‘problem’ child that formed the basis for so many monsters in the past. Indigo children, a term which is contemporaneous with ‘BEKs’,


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