BigFoot Goes on Vacation. D. L. Miller

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BigFoot Goes on Vacation - D. L. Miller BigFoot Search and Find

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rel="nofollow" href="#u6bd78c54-9179-5493-a64a-3eb58be889b5">Deep Sea Diving


       Visits. . .



       Spotted at the. . .



       Found on the. . .



       Goes. . .



       Joins a. . .

       Balloon Festival


       At. . .

       Mini-Golf World


       Answer Key

      The new things we see and do on vacation give us so much to talk about when we

      get back. So get your suitcase ready, because it’s time to see the great outdoors—BigFoot style!

      Bigfoot Contents

      How to Use This Book

      Read a bit about different vacation spots.

      You may learn something surprising!

      Turn the page and search for BigFoot. The keys along

      the sides tell you what else to look for. Good luck!









      South Africa


      New Zealand


      Stories about the infamous BigFoot have been

      handed down from generation to generation in

      many countries around the world. Although his

      history is a bit


      , many theories have

      been explored over the years to explain why

      people continue to see this mysterious creature

      no matter where they live. Some believe he’s


      giant bear

      that has been seen walking

      around on two legs, while others believe he may

      be a

      giant gorilla

      roaming the forests.

      Who is BigFoot?












      Have You Seen a

      Real BigFoot?

      Although descriptions of the giant, furry creature differ from

      region to region, they all share several common details: a large,

      fury human-like creature standing

      7 feet (2.3 m) to

      9 feet (3 m) tall.

      Reports suggest that BigFoot is brown,

      although many have also reported seeing black, gray, white,

      and greenish-blue BigFoots. Some descriptions also include

      details such as

      large eyes

      with a very pronounced brow,

      and a large forehead. The top of his head is often described

      as rounded with a narrow top, similar to the shape of a large

      gorilla. If you see someone walking around

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