Subordinated Ethics. Caitlin Smith Gilson

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Subordinated Ethics - Caitlin Smith Gilson Veritas

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      Series Introduction

      “. . . the truth will set you free” (John 8:32)

      In much contemporary discourse, Pilate’s question has been taken to mark the absolute boundary of human thought. Beyond this boundary, it is often suggested, is an intellectual hinterland into which we must not venture. This terrain is an agnosticism of thought: because truth cannot be possessed, it must not be spoken. Thus, it is argued that the defenders of “truth” in our day are often traffickers in ideology, merchants of counterfeits, or anti-liberal. They are, because it is somewhat taken for granted that Nietzsche’s word is final: truth is the domain of tyranny.

      Is this indeed the case, or might another vision of truth offer itself? The ancient Greeks named the love of wisdom as philia, or friendship. The one who would become wise, they argued, would be a “friend of truth.” For both philosophy and theology might be conceived as schools in the friendship of truth, as a kind of relation. For like friendship, truth is as much discovered as it is made. If truth is then so elusive, if its domain is terra incognita, perhaps this is because it arrives to us—unannounced—as gift, as a person, and not some thing.

      The aim of the Veritas book series is to publish incisive and original current scholarly work that inhabits “the between” and “the beyond” of theology and philosophy. These volumes will all share a common aspiration to transcend the institutional divorce in which these two disciplines often find themselves, and to engage questions of pressing concern to both philosophers and theologians in such a way as to reinvigorate both disciplines with a kind of interdisciplinary desire, often so absent in contemporary academe. In a word, these volumes represent collective efforts in the befriending of truth, doing so beyond the simulacra of pretend tolerance, the violent, yet insipid reasoning of liberalism that asks with Pilate, “What is truth?”—expecting a consensus of non-commitment; one that encourages the commodification of the mind, now sedated by the civil service of career, ministered by the frightened patrons of position.

      The series will therefore consist of two “wings”: (1) original monographs; and (2) essay collections on a range of topics in theology and philosophy. The latter will principally be the products of the annual conferences of the Centre of Theology and Philosophy (www.theologyphilosophycentre

      Conor Cunningham and Eric Austin Lee, Series editors

      Not available from Cascade

Deane-Peter BakerTayloring Reformed Epistemology: The Challenge to Christian Belief. Volume 1
P. Candler & C. Cunningham (eds.)Belief and Metaphysics. Volume 2
Marcus PoundTheology, Psychoanalysis, and Trauma. Volume 4
Espen DahlPhenomenology and the Holy. Volume 5
C. Cunningham et al. (eds.)Grandeur of Reason: Religion, Tradition, and Universalism. Volume 6
A. Pabst & A. Paddison (eds.)The Pope and Jesus of Nazareth: Christ, Scripture, and the Church. Volume 7
J. P. MorelandRecalcitrant Imago Dei: Human Persons and the Failure of Naturalism. Volume 8

[Nathan KerrChrist, History, and Apocalyptic: The Politics of Christian Mission. Volume 3]1
Anthony D. BakerDiagonal Advance: Perfection in Christian Theology. Volume 9
D. C. SchindlerThe Perfection of Freedom: Schiller, Schelling, and Hegel between the Ancients and the Moderns. Volume 10
Rustin BrianCovering Up Luther: How Barth’s Christology Challenged the Deus Absconditus that Haunts Modernity. Volume 11
Timothy StanleyProtestant Metaphysics After Karl Barth and Martin Heidegger. Volume 12
Christopher Ben SimpsonThe Truth Is the Way: Kierkegaard’s Theologia Viatorum. Volume 13
Richard H. BellWagner’s Parsifal: An Appreciation in the Light of His Theological Journey. Volume 14
Antonio LopezGift and the Unity of Being. Volume 15
Toyohiko KagawaCosmic Purpose. Translated and introduced by Thomas John Hastings. Volume 16
Nigel ZimmermanFacing the Other: John Paul II, Levinas, and the Body. Volume 17
Conor SweeneySacramental Presence after Heidegger: Onto-theology, Sacraments, and the Mother’s Smile. Volume 18
John Behr et al. (eds.)The Role of Death in Life: A Multidisciplinary Examination of the Relation between Life and Death. Volume 19
Eric Austin Lee et al. (eds.)The Resounding Soul: Reflection on the Metaphysics and Vivacity of the Human Person. Volume 20
Orion EdgarThings Seen and Unseen: The Logic of Incarnation in Merleau-Ponty’s Metaphysics of Flesh. Volume 21
Duncan B. ReyburnSeeing Things as They Are: G. K. Chesterton and the Drama of Meaning. Volume 22
Lyndon ShakespeareBeing the Body of Christ in the Age of Management. Volume 23
Michael V. Di FucciaOwen Barfield: Philosophy, Poetry, and Theology. Volume 24
John McNerneyWealth of Persons: Economics with a Human Face. Volume 25
Norm KlassenThe Fellowship of the Beatific Vision: Chaucer on Overcoming Tyranny and Becoming Ourselves. Volume 26
Donald WallenfangHuman and Divine Being: A Study of the Theological Anthropology of Edith Stein. Volume 27
Sotiris MitralexisEver-Moving Repose: A Contemporary Reading of Maximus the Confessor’s Theory of Time. Volume 24
Sotiris Mitralexis et al. (eds.)Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher. Volume 28
Kevin CorriganLove, Friendship, Beauty, and the Good: Plato, Aristotle, and the Later Tradition. Volume 29
Andrew Brower LatzThe Social Philosophy of Gillian Rose. Volume 30
D. C. SchindlerLove and the Postmodern Predicament: Rediscovering the Real in Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. Volume 31
Stephen KampowskiEmbracing Our Finitude: Exercises in a Christian Anthropology between Dependence and Gratitude. Volume 32
William DesmondThe Gift of Beauty and the Passion of Being: On the Threshold between the Aesthetic and the Religious. Volume 33
Charles PéguyNotes on Bergson and Descartes. Volume 34
David AlcaldeCosmology without God: The Problematic Theology Inherent in Modern Cosmology. Volume 35
Benson P.FraserHide and Seek: The Sacred Art of Indirect CommunicationVolume 36
Philip JohnPaul GonzalesExorcising Philosophical Modernity: Cyril O’Regan and Christian Discourse after Modernity. Volume 37
Caitlin Smith GilsonSubordinated Ethics: Natural Law and Moral Miscellany in Aquinas and Dostoyevsky. Volume 38

      1. Note: Nathan Kerr, Christ, History, and Apocalyptic, although volume 3 of the original SCM Veritas series is available from Cascade as part of the Theopolitical Visions series.

      Subordinated Ethics

      Natural Law and Moral Miscellany

      in Aquinas and Dostoyevsky

      Caitlin Smith Gilson

      Foreword by Eric Austin Lee


      Natural Law and Moral Miscellany in Aquinas and Dostoyevsky

      Veritas 38

      Copyright © 2020 Caitlin Smith Gilson. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.


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