Subordinated Ethics. Caitlin Smith Gilson

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8, ad. 2.

      9. Pieper, Leisure, 34.

      10. C. Gilson, Immediacy and Meaning, xii, emphasis in original.

      11. Aquinas calls this particular misstep an error of the Platonists. See Commentary on the Metaphysics of Aristotle, X, 3.1964.

      12. C. Gilson, Immediacy and Meaning, 180, emphasis hers. Commentary on the Metaphysics of Aristotle, X, 3.1964. Thomas also notes that Plato errors in a similar way in conflating the order of knowledge with the separable forms (ST, I, 84, 1).

      13. See Aquinas, In Boethii De trinitate, q. 6, a. 1, co. 22. For a helpful summary of the details in Aquinas, see Aertsen, “Method and Metaphysics.”

      14. Aquinas, In I Sent., 17, 1, 4. Translation Aertsen’s.

      15. C. Gilson, Metaphysical Presuppositions, 172. See especially chapter 4.

      16. Aquinas, ST I, 65, 2, ad. 1: “Man was not intended to secure his ultimate perfection at once, like the angel. Hence a longer way was assigned to man than to the angel for securing beatitude.”

      17. C. Gilson, Metaphysical Presuppositions, 125.

      18. See chapter 3, especially the section “Ten Principles in Search of an Author: Tradition, Virtues, Limits.”

      19. C. Gilson, Immediacy and Meaning.

      20. I mean this in the broadest sense possible, whether biological, foster, adoptive, as well as the pastors, deacons, priests, nuns, and the consecrated laity who are our fathers and mothers in that their own simplicity is to watch over us in prayer.

      21. Cf. the section “Socrates as a Stand-In for the Good,” in Schindler, Plato’s Critique, 179–88.

      22. Savorana, Life of Luigi Giussani, 637, citing Giussani’s article “La certezza della fede e la cultura Cristiana” [“The Certainty of Christian Faith and Culture”], appearing in the October 29, 1982 issue of L’Osservatore Romano (translated by Sullivan and Bacich).


      Stating the Problem of Ethical Enactment

      Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.

      —Galatians 2:16

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