Subordinated Ethics. Caitlin Smith Gilson

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Subordinated Ethics - Caitlin Smith Gilson Veritas

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in matter, and thus where knowledge is never disengaged from Being as prime revealer.50 This knowledge is triggered by the naturalness of harmonious desire, not by the type of unsubordinated desire which exaggerates a defective human condition. It is knowledge as wonder. All men by nature overflow in participatory wonder, a wonder which naturally inoculates the participant against selfishness. Such political animals rarely, if ever, begin in the “I,” in the ego. They know themselves the proper way, non-reflexively, too busy to invoke the “I,” too full of love of the little things of the dappled earth. Wonder is the unifying principle aligning our being with the natural law as natural signage. The political animal is a being of wonder, his desire to know is never malformed by an ego which exists as a disservice to wonder, historically causing us to fall into knowledge.51 The difficulty: the politician more often than not exiles himself from wonder in order to defend the so-called ethical and social norms which are connaturally produced in wonder. How then can the natural law survive authentically if it pressed into a region alien to its very efficacy? If the natural law arises only in wonder, what happens to the natural law and its participants when wonder ceases and eidetic egoity takes hold?52 The true political animal is too busy being engaged by wonder.53 How then does the prescriptive recover what it has lost, how does the statesman defend without losing his ability to return?

      Double Intentionality

      Intentionality in its primal truth overcomes knowledge reduced to a copy theory or to a relativism of differing labels, while profiling human persons as the privileged beings who alone extract the meaning of Being as such, and that, in a way, the weight of Being resides in them alone. Otherness is as implicit in knowledge and ethics as it is explicit in love.

      The self is thus permanence in transit. It is what distinguishes each in his own transcendent dignity, and this distinction is permanently unstripped. Yet, the what-it-is of what is unstripped is always in transition; the self is an actuating permanence, the moving image of eternity. Because the soul is united to the body, where each is the realization of the other’s perfection, a dual unity, we act in and out of time. As moving image, the intentional-self acts towards eternity while already being in union with the eternal which alone enables the self to act towards what-it-is in its nature.

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