Monotonous MAN. Zeref. Almaz Braev

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Monotonous MAN. Zeref - Almaz Braev

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corrupt government is also beneficial to traditional people?

      Reflection is developed by the person himself. Because a person thinks for himself. No one will think for him. The older he gets, the more he must (evaluate his actions and the degree of their adequacy. The higher the reflection of a person, the more he plunges into autonomy. The more independent it is. The brighter his actions. But where do these actions come from? Especially in a traditional community. If each higher member of the team puts pressure on the lower one, presses from top to bottom, the lower one simply does not have time to resist, he must «suck» the udder, if he can, then immediately from two queens and something else from the bosses.

      That is, he has nowhere to take the strength to resist?

      There are people who do not develop anything in themselves at all. Do not develop and so live to old age in natural conception and development at zero. Many do not achieve anything, even sucking all the» wombs» of their superiors. They are simply used as slave chips, cannon fodder, consumable, building material. They still talk about such people: they do not save up wisdom, but only years. That is, such people live their lives as if in vain and do not turn into a person. Only the most loyal hypocrites on the throne become «human». Who is lucky to be next to the next dictator. But they are also unlucky if the dictator is overthrown. Sink or swim?

      As they say, do not judge and will not be judged.

      We know that all children in the world are fostered by adults. At that level, they set them until the child himself can not think. So, on a ready-made level, on their own experience, that is, on the baggage on which these teachers themselves lived before. And, of course, on the experience of their ancestors. A child or teenager does not need to think here, or, say, think deeply, do not need to think at all. Well, that’s it. The first level of automatic actions is the level of clear categories-the categorical level.

      The first level of tradition is the taboo level.

      What you can and can’t do. Very hard and clear. For example, you can not eat a person (at least your own blood). Having sex with your family members is strictly prohibited. Can’t stand up to teachers. Everything that the father says is always the right indication. Violation of discipline is followed by punishment. The most severe punishment is that of breaking a taboo. And in other cases for disobedience, there are no less severe penalties. Growing up, little zeref realizes that his main friends in the world are all people of his blood. His brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles of his tribe, his family. They will accompany him all his life in the family collective. Relatives will condemn him or, on the contrary, support him morally, praise and encourage him. The main judges of zeref’s life are relatives. It is their privilege to execute and pardon morally. Zeref will grow up, «suck» the cows of the tribe and will teach a new generation of zeref himself.

      Morality is the second level of tradition.

      This level is present in all traditional peoples as an accumulated experience of harmonious living and even survival. Morality, or traditional morality, is at the heart of all traditions and among all peoples, it is approximately the same. If the people maintain and preserve their morals, then these people can safely look to the future. On one condition: if a given people and each person develops consciousness in themselves, because everyone’s subconscious is rich in itself, it consists of dreams and vague chaos, and zeref without teachers develops only instincts. If remove the teachers, at least humiliate them with their salary, the status of beggars, and the zerefs will kill each other, not immediately, of course, but they will definitely do it.

      There are no teachers, no zerefs.

      The satisfaction of physiology alone absolutely does not lead to development, if only because a person is a person and not an animal. It is necessary to somehow differ from the animal. Everyone should think, and everyone thinks so. There is a lot of good in a traditional person, this good is as if innate, it is also subconscious-it is an inheritance from good ancestors. Such a person is said to be promising people. Hardworking, easy-going. Or, on the contrary, belligerent and rebellious. But today even this is not enough. There are many bad things in a person. 90% of a person are instincts. It is the zerefs who manage to curb their animal instincts. Otherwise, civilization would not have received people ready for modernization. The zerefs who have lost their teachers, but continue to do everything automatically, that is, on the set skills of the past, become as if blind. They stumble in modern space. This often leads only to radicalism. If, for example, the traditional population immediately enters unprepared for market relations, they immediately prepare a «personality», then all the habits of the past become convex. Zeref has a weak reflection and few colors and assessments of actions are predictable. From a sudden meeting with new introductory materials, all zerefs become radicals. Whatever the morally free zeref does will be radical from now on. But he’s a «person» now! This is because there were very few thinking people in his family. And there are even fewer teachers. And there may not have been any good teachers at all. So zeref becomes a savage radical or a radical savage.

      The distant ancestors of humans are apes.

      And there is a clear hierarchy in the chimpanzee herd. And the actual consciousness of man has found «recently» – 50 000 years ago. And for millions of years, humans were apes. These monkeys gave man instincts. With them, the first zerefs had to fight. But man manages to fight the animal principle in two ways: this is either to obey the teachers or to learn to think yourself, that is, to become a teacher yourself. It’s only in the movies that a child is born immediately from love. Not even nine months go by. To become a teacher, you have to live your own life. Or at least think fast. Modern zerefs all know how to think. But they are still drawn to the revival of tradition. Because the smartest of the zerefs see the bulge or radicalism of their fellow humans. That this is destructive radicalism.

      What is good and what is bad.

      Teachers, or the elite of the chosen, have always sought to tame the ape in their people. And to educate everyone so that a person is good and useful to society. Hence, the reflexes (good and bad) driven into the subconscious. A person recognizes his own relatives and automatically does them good. And useful. But when he sees an enemy of a tribe or village, he becomes ferocious and cruel. This is zeref. His reflection is zero-low. Ze-ref. Zero-reflection. There are no halftones. The alien’s meeting will be radical. He’s a stranger. Nothing else is needed.

      If a person overcomes the primary reflexes, he grows consciousness and soul. Here is such a zeref who enjoys respect and honor in revcon. But, of course, this is no longer zeref, but who? You’ll learn more about that later. In short, less selfishness means more altruism. The worst of the zerefs are callous, thick-skinned, selfish people. This is the garbage of history. But zeref, do not forget for a moment, always grows. It grows morally and spiritually. He thinks he is. He sinks into himself. Although morality, of course, in troubled times is very lame.

      It turns out that zeref is primarily a very young person, a child, a small child, or almost like a child. Secondly, and most importantly, it is a traditional person. A man who knows his place in the ranks obeys the hierarchy. He knows what is good and what is bad according to the traditional law of his village. His actions are set. But not by themselves, but by the older zerefs. Therefore, he thinks badly and does not seem to want to think at all. But it is necessary for him to follow the trail of the leader and remain silent on the path of war or hunting. The zeref likes silence in the surrounding nature.

      Chapter III

      Beyond the Good

      What is good for people and what is its continuation in time.


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