Photovoltaics from Milliwatts to Gigawatts. Tim Bruton

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Photovoltaics from Milliwatts to Gigawatts - Tim Bruton

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the 1973 oil crisis, as discussed in Chapter 2. By 1970, it had already been noted that growth prospects in the space cell industry were limited, and scientists were beginning to look to earth [39]. Sharp Corporation had consistently used reject space cells for terrestrial applications, supplying photovoltaic power to 256 lighthouses between 1961 and 1972 [59]. It demonstrated the first viable silicon module for terrestrial use in 1963 and became a major supplier of photovoltaic modules from 1980 onward. AEG‐Telefunken started terrestrial solar cell manufacture at its Wedel site in the mid‐1970s [57]. Other ‘pure’ terrestrial solar cell companies were founded by individuals leaving space cell companies. Bill Yerkes had been president at Spectrolab, but following the Hughes Aircraft acquisition he left the company to form Solar Technology International, which subsequently became ARCO Solar and was the largest photovoltaics manufacturer for several years [60]. Joseph Lindmayer and Peter Varadi left COMSAT in 1973 to form the Solarex company [61], and this too – after a merger with BP Solar – became the world’s largest photovoltaics manufacturer, in 2000 [61].

      In this way, the development of solar cells for space formed the foundation of the major manufacturing industry and global energy supply that photovoltaics has become.

      1.4.1 Single‐Junction GaAs Solar Cells

Graph depicts bandgap and lattice constant for the important III–V alloys.

      (Courtesy Royal Society of Chemistry) Source: H. Cotal et al: Energy and Environmental Science 2 (2009) 174‐192

Schematic illustration of the structure of a 25.7% GaAs solar cell under the AM1.5 Global spectrum.

      (Courtesy IEEE) Source: S.R. Kurtz, J.M. Olsen and A. Kibbler: Proc 21st IEEE PVSC (1990) 138‐140

      GaInP2 was used in preference to the GaAlAs2 previously employed, as this was prone to degradation by the inclusion of oxygen. The work highlighted that the electronic quality of the individual layers was as important as the overall device structure in achieving very high efficiencies. Development of single‐junction GaAs has been relatively slow, as more research has gone into the higher‐efficiency potential triple‐junction cells. In 2008, the record efficiency was 26.1% [69]; in 2018, Alta Devices reported a new record for single‐junction GaAs cells of 28.9% [70], in the form of an ultrathin cell. This was intended not for space applications but for terrestrial ones, where very high efficiency is important (e.g. the Internet of Things, unmanned aircraft).

      1.4.2 Multijunction Solar Cells for Space

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