Observations of a Warrior Poet. T. John Mattson
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The “dealmaker” persona, favoring a posture
More presidential.
Otherwise, we feel compelled to inform, your
Footprint in history will likely be
Hocus Potus
Seems that our president has strong opinions
Regarding patriotism and our national anthem.
The discontented, choosing to break from the norm,
Should be fired for their disrespect and activism.
I can’t think of a more passive expression of their
Differences these activists have chosen. I mean,
Really, Gandhi would be proud!
If they mimicked some of these other groups running
Around, showing more aggression and violence,
I’m certain it would stir a crowd.
There’s volatility inherent with this topic,
As it reaches deeply to the core,
But should this division be cause for separation—
Or even punishment if some are shown the door?
Well, the last time I checked, this was still
The “land of the free and home of the brave,”
And this movement’s “architect” has been tested
Harshly, with his courageous message seeking
The promise of parity and not to enslave.
(Recently, I’ve noticed similarities between baseball umpires and POTUS, aka The Donald.)
First, both at times might be accused of
Needing glasses, due to a severe lack of vision.
Seems that both get scorned and ridiculed
When they make an unpopular decision.
Second, may God help you, if you dare to
Disagree with them and argue.
They’ve both been known to throw those
“Out of the game,” when presented
With a different view.
Though this is just a couple of examples
Relating the mentioned two,
There exist many others, if one
Spends a moment or a few.
So, yes, this is my voice,
As I raise it loudly in dissent,
And though I have the utmost respect
For the office…
I have none for the man
As president.
Trumped Up
His personal wealth and unpredictable nature
Are cause for concern,
As most have seen.
While his agenda appears vindictive
Toward his predecessor’s record,
With a goal to demean.
With a lack of political history,
His actions seem personal
And tightly held.
I question the integrity and his
Refusal to provide answers,
Even when they are compelled.
As a citizen, this has led me to the point
Where I feel there is no credibility
From the office he commands.
And I’m of the opinion that
He is certainly no genius…no matter
How much his fortune expands.
Presidential Socal Medium
In general, I look to avoid
The fruit that often falls
From our nation’s highest branch.
Since the rhetoric
Has left many stupefied,
The fresh and spoiled ready to blanch.
As all the twittering comes
Spinning down, like ballistic bombs
Just waiting to explode,
The attentions captured aren’t surprised,
Knowing this weapon’s range
Has not plateaued.
Yet if I treat the news as fake,
Will I myself be uninformed?
Or should I take my meal of disbelief—
With a grain of salt…
Taking cover from the shrapnel,
To be ignored?
Playing Trump Cards
Many efforts have been made
To best others and gain leverage
All around.
All the while noticing
That friends and neighbors
Are now lost and not found.
So if Great Britain and the Canadians
Decided that America needed defeat,
Would a victory on the battlefield