Елизавета. Золотой век Англии. Джон Гай

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Елизавета. Золотой век Англии - Джон Гай

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друг другу инструкции. См.: SP 52/13, nos. 81, 83; SP 52/14, no. 1.


      Анна Австрийская – дочь императора Священной Римской империи Максимилиана II и Марии Испанской. – Прим. автора.


      Sotheby s sale of 15 July 2014, lot 403.


      CSPSp, 1st Series, 1554. P. 166–167.


      Guy. Children of Henry VIII. P. 154–161; The Count of Feria s Despatch. Rodríguez-Salgado and Adams (ed.). P. 342, n. 31.


      M. T. Crane. Video et Taceo: Elizabeth I and the Rhetoric of Counsel // Studies in English Literature, 28 (1988). P. 1–15; F. Teague. Elizabeth I: Queen of England // Women Writers of the Renaissance and Reformation. K. M. Wilson (ed.). Athens, GA, 1987. P. 522.


      Ключевые работы: The Reign of Elizabeth I: Court and Culture in the Last Decade. J. Guy (ed.). Cambridge, 1995; P. Hammer. Elizabeth s Wars. London, 2003; Doubtful and Dangerous: The Question of Succession in Late-Elizabethan England.. S. Doran, P. Kewes (ed.). Manchester, 2014; A. Gajda. Political Culture in the 1590s: The “Second Reign” of Elizabeth I // History Compass, 8 (2010). P. 88–100.


      S. Doran. Juno versus Diana: The Treatment of Elizabeth s Marriage in Plays and Entertainments, 1561–1581 // HJ, 38 (1995). P. 257–274.


      H. Hackett. Virgin Mother, Maiden Queen. London, 1995. P. 96–98, 119–123, 177–178, 186–191.


      The Order of My Lord Mayor, the Aldermen and the Sheriffes. London, 1629. P. 7–8.


      I. W. Archer. ODNB, s. v. Sir John Spencer.


      S. Rappaport. Worlds within Worlds: Structures of Life in Sixteenth-Century London. Cambridge, 1989. P. 54–60.


      Camden, P. 134–135; T. Norton. To the Quenes Maiesties Poore Deceived Subjectes of the North Countrey. London, 1569. sig. A5v-6; A Treatise of Treasons against Q. Elizabeth and the Croune of England. London, 1571–1572, passim; C. Sharp. The Rising in the North: The 1569 Rebellion. Shotton, 1975. (new edn), passim; K. Kesselring. Rebellion and Disorder in The Elizabethan World. S. Doran, N. Jones (ed.). London, 2011. P. 381–383.


      ECW. P. 125–126; S. Doran. The Political Career of Thomas Radcliffe, 3rd Earl of Sussex, 1526?–1583. University of London Ph. D., 1977. P. 243–309.


      SP 12/48, no. 61.


      G. Parker. The Place of Tudor England in the Messianic Vision of Philip II of Spain // TRHS, 6th Series, 12 (2000). P. 167–221.


      D. MacCulloch. Thomas Cranmer: A Life. London, 1996. Appendix 2. P. 637–638.


      J. Guy. My Heart is My Own: The Life of Mary Queen of Scots. London, 2004. P. 134–352.


      Guy. My Heart is My Own. P. 437–497.


      SP 11/6, fos. 25–31; SP 11/14, fos. 47–55; CSPD Mary, nos. 229–235. См. также: BL, Cotton MS, Titus B. II, fos. 114–16; Parker. Messianic Vision of Philip II. P. 192–195.


      SR, IV, i, P. 526–528; Parker. Messianic Vision of Philip II. P. 187–220.


      Guy. My Heart is My Own. P. 467–469.


      BL, Cotton MS, Vespasian F. VI, fo. 64.


      Guy. My Heart is My Own. P. 149–169.


      Lethington s Account of Negotiations with Elizabeth in September and October 1561 // A Letter from Mary Queen of Scots to the Duke of Guise, January 1562. J. H. Pollen (ed.). Edinburgh, 1904. Appendix 1. P. 39.


      SP 52/10, no 62; BL, Cotton MS, Caligula B. X, fos. 301–305.


      Guy. Children of Henry VIII. P. 161, 167; R. Harkins. Elizabethan Puritanism and the Politics of Memory in Post-Marian England, HJ, 57 (2014). P. 899–919.


      Название «Фландрская армия» несколько не точно. Эти войска были набраны из Испании, Италии, Бургундии, Германии и южных областей Нидерландов. Некоторые католики из Шотландии и Ирландии даже присоединились в качестве добровольцев. Войска были сохранены как отдельные единицы: только испанцы могли служить в испанских контингентах или командовать ими, и так далее. См.: G. Parker. The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road, 1567–1659. Сambridge, 1972. P. 25–35. См. также: G. D. Ramsay. The End of the Antwerp Mart: The Queen s Merchants and the Revolt of the Netherlands. 2 vols.. London, 1975–1986. II. P. 51–53.



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