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       Empowering Professional Teaching in Engineering

      Sustaining the Scholarship of Teaching

      Synthesis Lectures on Engineering

      Each book in the series is written by a well known expert in the field. Most titles cover subjects such as professional development, education, and study skills, as well as basic introductory undergraduate material and other topics appropriate for a broader and less technical audience. In addition, the series includes several titles written on very specific topics not covered elsewhere in the Synthesis Digital Library.

      Empowering Professional Teaching in Engineering: Sustaining the Scholarship of Teaching

      John Heywood


      The Human Side of Engineering

      John Heywood


      Geometric Programming for Design Equation Development and Cost/Profit Optimizaton, Third Edition

      Robert C. Creese


      Engineering Principles in Everyday Life for Non-Engineers

      Saeed Benjamin Niku


      A, B, See… in 3D: A Workbook to Improve 3-D Visualization Skills

      Dan G. Dimitriu


      The Captains of Energy: Systems Dynamics from an Energy Perspective

      Vincent C. Prantil and Timothy Decker


      Lying by Approximation: The Truth about Finite Element Analysis

      Vincent C. Prantil, Christopher Papadopoulos, and Paul D. Gessler


      Simplified Models for Assessing Heat and Mass Transfer in Evaporative Towers

      Alessandra De Angelis, Onorio Saro, Giulio Lorenzini, Stefano D’Elia, and Marco Medici


      The Engineering Design Challenge: A Creative Process

      Charles W. Dolan


      The Making of Green Engineers: Sustainable Development and the Hybrid Imagination

      Andrew Jamison


      Crafting Your Research Future: A Guide to Successful Master’s and Ph.D. Degrees in Science & Engineering

      Charles X. Ling and Qiang Yang


      Fundamentals of Engineering Economics and Decision Analysis

      David L. Whitman and Ronald E. Terry


      A Little Book on Teaching: A Beginner’s Guide for Educators of Engineering and Applied Science

      Steven F. Barrett


      Engineering Thermodynamics and 21st Century Energy Problems: A Textbook Companion for Student Engagement

      Donna Riley


      MATLAB for Engineering and the Life Sciences

      Joseph V. Tranquillo


      Systems Engineering: Building Successful Systems

      Howard Eisner


      Fin Shape Thermal Optimization Using Bejan’s Constructal Theory

      Giulio Lorenzini, Simone Moretti, and Alessandra Conti


      Geometric Programming for Design and Cost Optimization (with illustrative case study problems and solutions), Second Edition

      Robert C. Creese


      Survive and Thrive: A Guide for Untenured Faculty

      Wendy C. Crone


      Geometric Programming for Design and Cost Optimization (with Illustrative Case Study Problems and Solutions)

      Robert C. Creese


      Style and Ethics of Communication in Science and Engineering

      Jay D. Humphrey and Jeffrey W. Holmes


      Introduction to Engineering: A Starter’s Guide with Hands-On Analog Multimedia Explorations

      Lina J. Karam and Naji Mounsef


      Introduction to Engineering: A Starter’s Guide with Hands-On Digital Multimedia and Robotics Explorations

      Lina J. Karam and Naji Mounsef


      CAD/CAM of Sculptured Surfaces on Multi-Axis NC Machine: The DG/K-Based Approach

      Stephen P. Radzevich


      Tensor Properties of Solids, Part Two: Transport Properties of Solids

      Richard F. Tinder


      Tensor Properties of Solids, Part One: Equilibrium Tensor Properties of Solids

      Richard F. Tinder


      Essentials of Applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers

      Robert G. Watts


      Project Management for Engineering Design

      Charles Lessard and Joseph Lessard


      Relativistic Flight Mechanics

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