Collaborative Approaches to Evaluation. Группа авторов

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Collaborative Approaches to Evaluation - Группа авторов Evaluation in Practice Series

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diversity, and range in application provide an informative, interesting, and compelling review of the preliminary set of principles. We invite readers to review Chapter 10 where we present an integration of the field test results and associated implications for the ongoing use, application, and revision of the principles.

      Questions for Reflection

      1 What are the primary benefits of relying on a set of evidence-based principles to guide CAE practice? How would you know if such benefits accrued?

      2 To what extent should CAE principles be used prescriptively? Why? What are some risks of overprescribing intended practice in CAE on the basis of the principles?

      3 Listed in this chapter are a range of suggested applications of the CAE principles. Can you think of others? What would they be? Of the range of potential applications of the principles, which are likely to prove most beneficial to the evaluation community, broadly defined? Why?


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