You are my bird!. Елена Мошко

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You are my bird! - Елена Мошко

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style="font-size:15px;">      – It’s strange that you are going to the airport, but don’t even have either bag or luggage.

      Suddenly a flash of lightning illuminates the salon for a moment, giving it graphic lines. Then again the twilight. Now there will be a clap of thunder…

      Suddenly the tune of my phone makes me yank on the brake. He has just rocked forward, bumping into the dashboard, then, kicking his handkerchief under my foot, pulled out my phone from under his back.

      – Yes, – he says – I’m listening…

      Now I’m listening to the roar of car horns. Why not! We are idling in the middle of the roadway stopping the traffic. And how could I react to his “Yes”? If it’s a buzz from Cyril, then what will he think? With wide eyes and stretching out, like a beggar, my right hand to him hoping to get my phone, I look at my fellow traveler making himself at home, then get into first gear.

      – Yes, indeed…

      – Give me! Please do! – demand I, trying to come close to curb.

      All that’s missing is a crash! Here the police deal shortly with road hogs: at every trifle it makes such a row… Give then excuses before them and explain Cyril, who I’m cruising around Rome with at such an hour and in such weather.

      – Certainly, you may…

      In the meanwhile, I have parked up near a streetlight.

      – Give me! Move it! – I demand, again informally and try to snatch the mobile from his hand.

      – It’s impossible, – he pronounces and throws the mobile to the back seat.

      – I must answer! – insist I.

      And here comes the thunder I expected for!

      He suddenly takes my face with his huge warm palms so that the tips of strong fingers embrace my head, pulls it toward himself, as if he wants to tear it away, and then kisses… kisses… with such a sweet kiss, so that my underbelly and not just that – the whole of myself melts like wax, letting myself go and be lost in this breathtaking kiss…Good heavens!.. the bottom falls out, my head is swimming, I’m rolling into the abyss, just feeling that some evil force raises me over the seat, then drags me to… I can’t open my eyes… I, too, becomes suddenly impassioned and attracted with violent and irresistible force of desire… I do not remember, I do not know myself to be such…I don’t see a new flash of lightning, it just gets a bit lighter and then darker again… Complete switching off, distraction… Then I hear my new elegant white skirt bursts at the seams, why on earth?… Now my favorite blouse with blue and green pattern, being such a perfect match for my eyes comes to pieces… A good thing there is no bra, it would share the same fate… Briefs? Where are they? I do remember I put on these damn briefs… Why did I suddenly think of them? What could they keep from in the situation? Nothing! Nothing can stop anything… And what’s that got to do with it?… These thoughts run in my mind just for a moment, while he is busy with quite another thing: Holy Mother! What strength he has?!

      His strong arms carry me, completely naked, through the compartment, lift up, up and all this he does, not missing my lips, and with some lickerish persistence drags my body to him so that at first my buttocks scoot down the cold torpedo, but soon my legs and knees find their place on the edges of the seat, I feel the warmth of his thighs (when has he managed to pull off his pants?) and, finally, still kissing and kissing me, he gently pulls me down on himself, like on a steed…

      – Wow! – I whisper, when his lips give me a pause.

      “Yeah,” he whispers in my ear, “ooh…”

      My eyes are still closed… I do not even need to help him with my fingers to find me… It’s like catching snowflakes with your lips.

      Not a single thought about Steve, or about Cyril… At some point I hit my head against the car top, an idea shoots across my mind on… on…

      The only inconvenience of these women’s “Peugeot” is low tops…

      Now I myself pull off his tie, then his shirt…

      With my eyes closed…

      His body is still a bag of muscles. Lord, I’ve seen his body on the screen of my home theater! Once I even stopped the show – I fancied cybersex with him… I?!

      And his body is now in my arms!!!

      Then we rest, smoke…

      “Wasn’t that your autograph?” I ask.

      “You, you know, ve been amazing!”

      And I, the fool, wanted an autograph.

      A new flash of lightning… But why there is no thunder?!

* * *

      Only now, when being in the driver’s seat, still completely naked, I glance at the street and notice that the familiar “Lexus” with these looking like random “RES… 1313…” just come crawling across my car, both of us.”

      – Another second and it’ll just crush us!”

      – What’s happening?

      I look at my seducer in bewilderment, searching for the keys on the seat, then, bending over and keeping my eyes on Lexus, on the rug below… Another moment and…

      – “We will be flattened by it now!” My God! Where are the keys?

      – “Don’t take on so, sweetie!”

      With these words, Vlad reaches out to me, kisses on the cheek and, cocking his left eye, suddenly jumps clumsily on the seat and pulls on his jeans still folded around his hairy legs (I managed to notice it).

      I just watch him, while covering my tits with arms crossed, as he is looking for something in the cabin. Having pulled a pile of wet things from the back seat, Vlad instantly drags his wet jacket out the raincoat, tosses it on his still bare chest and opens the door. Dropping a short “Moment!”, he with his usual gesture pushes his glasses to the bridge of his nose. Not looking at me he goes straight to the off-road vehicle pulled up at about three meters from us.

      And then I, still not believing in what has happened, give a sigh of relief: Fuh! Is it all over? Or just has started? “Rollercoaster ride” sometimes helps to strengthen relationships, or it may be quite opposite… But why did it happen with me – not with someone else?… I have no time to think out my question. A staccato of spurts of fire makes me shrink my head into shoulders. One, two, three of them… I’m afraid to open my eyes, and when I dare to half-open the eyelids I see: he twists with pain on the block pavement… Yes! he is convulsed in death-throe not having time yet to put the jacket on. The glasses slipped down to one side and may drop any minute. His arms, then legs and all muscular body are in convulsive twitch, the head is thrown back, the look on his face is not seen, but it seems to be his last minute. And now he lies on his back without movement, spread-eagled, his wet jacket is still on his right hand… The police cars have not been heard yet, but they are sure to run hot. What’s the next step? – here is another thought among many about what happened within some twenty to thirty minutes. One can write a crime story! Nobody is going to believe this! But what to do? I realize that I shall not stay in place! My fingers are again in search of keys… Naked!.. I’m completely naked in the thick of a sort of shoot-out!.. This thought just kills me.

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