The Violet Fairy Book. Andrew Lang

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The Violet Fairy Book - Andrew Lang

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its mother. Again he managed to stick on till midnight: then a sleep overtook him that he could not battle against, and when he woke up he found himself, as before, sitting on the log, with the halter in his hands. He gave a shriek of dismay, and sprang up in search of the wanderers. As he went he suddenly remembered the words that the old woman had said to the mare, and he drew out the fox hair and twisted it in his fingers.

      ‘What is it, my brother?’ asked the fox, who instantly appeared before him.

      ‘The old witch’s mare has run away from me, and I do not know where to look for her.’

      ‘She is with us,’ replied the fox, ‘and has changed herself into a big fox, and her foal into a little one, but strike the ground with a halter and say, “Come here, O mare of the mountain witch!” ’

      The prince did so, and in a moment the fox became a mare and stood before him, with the little foal at her heels. He mounted and rode back, and the old woman placed food on the table, and led the mare back to the stable.

      ‘You should have gone to the foxes, as I told you,’ said she, striking the mare with a stick.

      ‘I did go to the foxes,’ replied the mare, ‘but they are no friends of mine and betrayed me.’

      ‘Well, this time you had better go to the wolves,’ said she, not knowing that the prince had heard all she had been saying.

      The third night the prince mounted the mare and rode her out to the meadows, with the foal trotting after. He tried hard to keep awake, but it was of no use, and in the morning there he was again on the log, grasping the halter. He started to his feet, and then stopped, for he remembered what the old woman had said, and pulled out the wolf’s grey lock.

      ‘What is it, my brother?’ asked the wolf as it stood before him.

      ‘The old witch’s mare has run away from me,’ replied the prince, ‘and I don’t know where to find her.’

      ‘Oh, she is with us,’ answered the wolf, ‘and she has changed herself into a she-wolf, and the foal into a cub; but strike the earth here with the halter, and cry, “Come to me, O mare of the mountain witch.” ’

      The prince did as he was bid, and as the hair touched his fingers the wolf changed back into a mare, with the foal beside her. And when he had mounted and ridden her home the old woman was on the steps to receive them, and she set some food before the prince, but led the mare back to her stable.

      ‘You should have gone among the wolves,’ said she, striking her with a stick.

      ‘So I did,’ replied the mare, ‘but they are no friends of mine and betrayed me.’

      The old woman made no answer, and left the stable, but the prince was at the door waiting for her.

      ‘I have served you well,’ said he, ‘and now for my reward.’

      ‘What I promised that will I perform,’ answered she. ‘Choose one of these twelve horses; you can have which you like.’

      ‘Give me, instead, that half-starved creature in the corner,’ asked the prince. ‘I prefer him to all those beautiful animals.’

      ‘You can’t really mean what you say?’ replied the woman.

      ‘Yes, I do,’ said the prince, and the old woman was forced to let him have his way. So he took leave of her, and put the halter round his horse’s neck and led him into the forest, where he rubbed him down till his skin was shining like gold. Then he mounted, and they flew straight through the air to the dragon’s palace. The empress had been looking for him night and day, and stole out to meet him, and he swung her on to his saddle, and the horse flew off again.

      Not long after the dragon came home, and when he found the empress was missing he said to his horse, ‘What shall we do? Shall we eat and drink, or shall we follow the runaways?’ and the horse replied, ‘Whether you eat or don’t eat, drink or don’t drink, follow them or stay at home, matters nothing now, for you can never, never catch them.’

      But the dragon made no reply to the horse’s words, but sprang on his back and set off in chase of the fugitives. And when they saw him coming they were frightened, and urged the prince’s horse faster and faster, till he said, ‘Fear nothing; no harm can happen to us,’ and their hearts grew calm, for they trusted his wisdom.

      Soon the dragon’s horse was heard panting behind, and he cried out, ‘Oh, my brother, do not go so fast! I shall sink to the earth if I try to keep up with you.’

      And the prince’s horse answered, ‘Why do you serve a monster like that? Kick him off, and let him break in pieces on the ground, and come and join us.’

      And the dragon’s horse plunged and reared, and the dragon fell on a rock, which broke him in pieces. Then the empress mounted his horse, and rode back with her husband to her kingdom, over which they ruled for many years.

      (Volksmarchen der Serben.)

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