The True Story vs. Myth of Witchcraft. William Godwin

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The True Story vs. Myth of Witchcraft - William Godwin

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shee being accompanied by the parties before speciallie named, took a cat, and christened it, and afterwards bounde to each part of that cat, the cheefest part of a dead man, and severall joyntis of his bodie: And that, in the night following, the saide cat was convayed into the middest of the sea by all these witches, sayling in their riddles or cives, and so left the saide cat right before the towne of Leith in Scotland. This doone, there did arise such a tempest in the sea, as a greater hath not beene seene.’

      The confession of Issobell Gowdie, May 3, 1662, although it is somewhat mutilated, gives us a good insight into the manners and customs of Scotch witches:

      ‘[Whan] we wold lay the wind, we dry the ragg, and say [thryse ower]:

      ‘“We lay the wind in the Divellis name, [It sall not] ryse quhill we lyk to rease it again!”

      ‘And if the wind will not lye instantlie [after we say this] we call wpon owr Spirit, and say to him:

      ‘“Thieffe! Thieffe! conjure the wind, and caws it to [lye ...]”

      ‘We haw no power of rain, bot ve will rease the wind quhan ve pleas.—He maid us beliew [...] that ther wes no God besyd him.

      ‘“Shoot thes in my name,

       And they sall not goe heall hame!”

      ‘And quhan we shoot these arrowes we say:

      ‘“I sall goe intill ane haire,

       With sorrow, and sych, and meikle caire;

       And I sall goe in the Divellis nam, Ay whill I com hom [againe]!”

      ‘And instantlie we start in an hair, And when we wold be owt of that shape, we vill say:

      ‘“Haire [haire, God send the caire!]

       I am in an hairis liknes just now,

       But I sal be in a womanis liknes ewin [now]!”

      ‘When we vold goe in the liknes of an Cat, we say thryse ower:

      ‘“I sall go [intill ane catt,]

       [With sorrow, and sych, and a blak] shot!

       And I sall goe in the Divellis nam, Ay quhill I com hom again!”

      ‘“I sall goe intill a craw,

       With sorrow and sych, and a blak [thraw!

       And I sall goe in the Divellis nam,] Ay quhill I com hom again!”

      ‘And quhen ve vold be owt of thes shapes, we say:

      “Catt, catt, (or craw, craw,) [God] send the a blak

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