When the Sleeper Wakes (A Dystopian Sci-Fi). H. G. Wells
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H. G. Wells
When the Sleeper Wakes (A Dystopian Sci-Fi)
Published by
- Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -
2017 OK Publishing
ISBN 978-80-272-0270-6
Table of Contents
Chapter IV. The Sound of a Tumult
Chapter VI. The Hall of the Atlas
Chapter VII. In the Silent Rooms
Chapter X. The Battle of the Darkness
Chapter XI. The Old Man Who Knew Everything
Chapter XIII. The End of the Old Order
Chapter XIV. From the Crow’s Nest
Chapter XVIII. Graham Remembers
Chapter XIX. Ostrog’s Point of View
Chapter XXII. The Struggle in the Council House
Chapter XXIII. Graham Speaks His Word
Chapter XXIV. While the Aeroplanes were Coming
Chapter XXV. The Coming of the Aeroplanes
One afternoon, at low water, Mr. Isbister, a young artist lodging at Boscastle, walked from that place to the picturesque cove of Pentargen, desiring to examine the caves there. Halfway down the precipitous path to the Pentargen beach he came suddenly upon a man sitting in an attitude of profound distress beneath a projecting mass of rock. The hands of this man hung limply over his knees, his eyes were red and staring before him, and his face was wet with tears.
He glanced round at Isbister’s footfall. Both men were disconcerted, Isbister the more so, and, to override the awkwardness of his involuntary pause, he remarked, with an air of mature conviction, that the weather was hot for the time of year.
“Very,” answered the stranger shortly, hesitated a second, and added in a colourless tone, “I can’t sleep.”
Isbister stopped abruptly. “No?” was all he said, but his bearing conveyed his helpful impulse.
“It may sound incredible,” said the stranger, turning weary eyes to Isbister’s face and emphasizing his words with a languid hand, “but I have had no sleep — no sleep at all for six nights.”
“Had advice?”
“Yes. Bad advice for the most part. Drugs. My nervous system…. They are all very well for the run of people. It’s hard to explain. I dare not take … sufficiently powerful drugs.”
“That makes it difficult,” said Isbister.
He stood helplessly in the narrow path, perplexed what to do. Clearly the man wanted to talk. An idea natural enough under the circumstances, prompted him to keep the conversation going. “I’ve never suffered from sleeplessness myself,” he said in a tone of commonplace gossip, “but in those cases I have known, people have usually found something — “
“I dare make no experiments.”
He spoke wearily. He gave a gesture of rejection, and for a space both men were silent.
“Exercise?” suggested Isbister diffidently, with a glance from his interlocutor’s face of wretchedness to the touring costume he wore.
“That is what I have tried. Unwisely perhaps. I have followed the coast, day after day — from New Quay. It has only added muscular fatigue to the mental. The cause of this unrest was overwork — trouble. There was something — “