Mary Queen of Scots, 1542-1587. Various

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Mary Queen of Scots, 1542-1587 - Various

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whether it was a man-child or a woman. The messenger said: "It is a fair daughter." The King answered: "Adieu, farewell; it came with a lass and it will pass with a lass." And so he recommended himself to the mercy of Almighty God, and spake little from that time forth, but turned his back unto his lords, and his face unto the wall. … In this manner he departed. … He turned him upon his back, and looked, and beheld all his nobles and lords about him, and gave a little smile of laughter, then kissed his hand, and offered the same to all his nobles round about him; thereafter held up his hands to God, and yielded his spirit to God.

      On the death of James V. the Earl of Arran was made Regent, and negotiations were commenced by Henry VIII. for the marriage of the infant Queen of Scots to his son, afterwards Edward VI. After much discussion, a treaty to this effect was concluded in July 1543 between the Scots and English Commissioners. The relations of the two countries, however, almost immediately became strained, and war broke out in the end of the year, and in 1547 a treaty of alliance was made between Scotland and France against England, the Scots to receive French help against the English forces, and to marry their Queen to the Dauphin. Mary landed in France in August 1548. The Earl of Arran was made Duke of Chatelherault by Henry II., but ceased to be Governor of Scotland in April 1554, when the Queen Mother, Mary of Guise, became Regent.


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      Register of the Privy Council of Scotland.

      Item.—Thereafter the said Master of Erskine shall report to the King {of France}, how rejoiced the Queen's Grace and my Lord Governor were of the news of our Sovereign Lady's welfare, and to hear that the King's Highness was so well contented with her Grace, and that she was so able to increase in virtue, and that the King's Majesty takes such consolation, seeing the beginning of her up-bringing to have been so good, that he hopes some day to see his son the husband of one of the most virtuous princes that man can desire: beseeching God of His infinite goodness that His Highness may see not only the thing that his noble heart desires, but also that our Sovereign Lady be after this so endued with the graces of God that she may by her birth {offspring} make his Highness to be called the grandfather of one of the most virtuous princes in the world, and king long to reign prosperously over both realms.


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      Conaeus. (Jebb: De Vita ac Rebus, vol. ii. p. 15.)

      Her main course of study was directed towards the attainment of the best European languages. So graceful was her French that the judgment of the most learned men recognised her command of the language; nor did she neglect Spanish or Italian, although she aimed rather at an useful knowledge than at a pretentious fluency. She followed Latin more readily than she spoke it. The charm of her poetry owed nothing to art. Her penmanship was clear, and (what is rare in a woman) swift. Her excellence in singing arose from a natural, not an acquired, ability to modulate her voice: the instruments she played were the cittern, the harp, and the harpsichord. Being very agile, she danced admirably to a musical accompaniment, yet with beauty and comeliness, for the silent and gentle movement of her limbs kept time to the harmony of the chords. She devoted herself to learning to ride so far as it is necessary for travelling or for her favourite exercise of hunting, thinking anything further more fitted for a man than for a woman. … Several tapestries worked by her with wonderful skill are yet to be seen in France, dedicated to the altars of God, especially in the monastery in which she was nurtured on her first arrival in the kingdom.


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      Lesley's History of Scotland (Bannatyne Club, pp. 264–5).

      All things necessary for the marriage of the Queen of Scots with the Dauphin being prepared, and the whole nobility and estates of the realm being convened at Paris, upon the 20th day of April 1558, in the great hall of the palace of the Louvre, in presence of King Henry of France, of the Queen his wife, and a great number of cardinals, dukes, earls, bishops, and noblemen, the "fianzellis," otherwise called the handfasting {betrothal}, was made with great triumph, by the Cardinal of Lorraine, between the excellent young Prince Francis, eldest son to the most valiant, courageous, and victorious prince, Henry, King of France, and Mary, Queen, inheritor of the realm of Scotland, one of the fairest, most civil and virtuous princesses of the whole world, with great solemnity, triumph, and banqueting; and upon the next Sunday, being the 24th of April, the marriage was solemnised and completed betwixt them by the Cardinal of Bourbon, Archbishop of Rouen, in Notre Dame Kirk of Paris; where the Bishop of Paris made a very learned and eloquent sermon, in presence and assistance of the King, Queen, and many prelates, noblemen, ladies, and gentlemen of all estates and callings, with most excellent triumph, and the heralds crying with loud voices three sundry times, "Largess"; casting to the people great quantity of gold and silver of all kinds and sorts of coin, where there was great tumult of people, every one troubling and pressing others for greediness to get some part of the money. After which there were as great solemnities used in the kirk, with as great dignity and reverence as was possible, which being done, they entered into the bishop's palace, where there was a sumptuous and princely dinner prepared for the whole company; and after they had dined, there was used a princely dancing, called the ball royal, to the great comfort and pleasure of all being there present; and how soon the ball was ended, they passed to the great hall of the palace royal, where they supped with so great magnificence, pomp, and triumph, that none of the assistance there had ever seen the like; and there presently was given to the Dauphin the title of King Dauphin, so that he and the Queen were called the King and Queen Dauphin.


      [In connection with the marriage settlements, an assurance was given to the Scots Parliament of the maintenance of its liberties, and of the succession of the nearest heir, in case of Mary's death without issue. (Acts ii. 508–519.) But, at the same time, Mary was induced to sign three documents transferring her rights, in case of her decease without issue, to the King of France, his heirs and successors. See Labanoff, "Lettres, Instructiones et Mémoires de Marie Stuart," vol. i. pp. 50–56.]

      Events moved rapidly between 1558 and Mary's return to Scotland in 1561. In November 1558 Mary Tudor died, and Henry II. caused Francis and Mary to assume the arms of England. In June 1559 Henry II. died, and Francis II. succeeded. Meanwhile, in Scotland, the Reformation was making progress. In 1559 the Protestants formed themselves into "the Congregation of the Lord," and signed the National Covenant to abolish Roman Catholicism. After the death of Henry II., when it seemed probable that the Guises would guide the government of Scotland, the discontent broke into open rebellion. The insurgents obtained help from Elizabeth, and proposed a marriage between the English Queen and the Earl of Arran, the heir of the Duke of Chatelherault, who stood next in the order of succession to the Scottish throne. The Queen-Dowager took refuge in Edinburgh Castle, and had the assistance of French troops. The Lords of the Congregation and their English allies commenced the siege of Leith, but with small success. The illness of Mary of Guise led to the conclusion of peace, and to the formulating of the Treaty of Edinburgh, which was the cause of a long dispute between Elizabeth and Mary Stuart.


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