William Shakespeare - Ultimate Collection: Complete Plays & Poetry in One Volume. William Shakespeare
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Not yet, Sir.
Well, Sir,
Take your owne time: come, Boyes.
My minde misgives me;
This fellow has a veng’ance tricke o’th hip:
Marke how his Bodi’s made for’t
Ile be hangd, though,
If he dare venture; hang him, plumb porredge,
He wrastle? he rost eggs! Come, lets be gon, Lads. [Exeunt.]
This is an offerd oportunity
I durst not wish for. Well I could have wrestled,
The best men calld it excellent, and run—
Swifter the winde upon a feild of Corne
(Curling the wealthy eares) never flew: Ile venture,
And in some poore disguize be there; who knowes
Whether my browes may not be girt with garlands?
And happines preferre me to a place,
Where I may ever dwell in sight of her. [Exit Arcite.]
Scaena 4. (Athens. A room in the prison.)
[Enter Iailors Daughter alone.]
Why should I love this Gentleman? Tis odds
He never will affect me; I am base,
My Father the meane Keeper of his Prison,
And he a prince: To marry him is hopelesse;
To be his whore is witles. Out upon’t,
What pushes are we wenches driven to,
When fifteene once has found us! First, I saw him;
I (seeing) thought he was a goodly man;
He has as much to please a woman in him,
(If he please to bestow it so) as ever
These eyes yet lookt on. Next, I pittied him,
And so would any young wench, o’ my Conscience,
That ever dream’d, or vow’d her Maydenhead
To a yong hansom Man; Then I lov’d him,
Extreamely lov’d him, infinitely lov’d him;
And yet he had a Cosen, faire as he too.
But in my heart was Palamon, and there,
Lord, what a coyle he keepes! To heare him
Sing in an evening, what a heaven it is!
And yet his Songs are sad ones. Fairer spoken
Was never Gentleman. When I come in
To bring him water in a morning, first
He bowes his noble body, then salutes me, thus:
‘Faire, gentle Mayde, good morrow; may thy goodnes
Get thee a happy husband.’ Once he kist me.
I lov’d my lips the better ten daies after.
Would he would doe so ev’ry day! He greives much,
And me as much to see his misery.
What should I doe, to make him know I love him?
For I would faine enjoy him. Say I ventur’d
To set him free? what saies the law then? Thus much
For Law, or kindred! I will doe it,
And this night, or to morrow, he shall love me. [Exit.]
Scaena 5. (An open place in Athens.) [Enter Theseus, Hipolita, Pirithous, Emilia: Arcite with a
Garland, &c.]
[This short florish of Cornets and Showtes within.]
You have done worthily; I have not seene,
Since Hercules, a man of tougher synewes;
What ere you are, you run the best, and wrastle,
That these times can allow.
I am proud to please you.
What Countrie bred you?
This; but far off, Prince.
Are you a Gentleman?
My father said so;
And to those gentle uses gave me life.
Are you his heire?
His yongest, Sir.
Your Father
Sure is a happy Sire then: what prooves you?
A little of all noble Quallities:
I could have kept a Hawke, and well have holloa’d
To a deepe crie of Dogges; I dare not praise
My feat in horsemanship, yet they that knew me
Would say it was my best peece: last, and greatest,
I would be thought a Souldier.
You are perfect.
Vpon my soule, a proper man.