The 2010 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2010 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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stations 2014 2015 Television broadcast stations 2016 2018 Sex ratio 2019 Heliports 2020 Elevation extremes 2021 Natural hazards 2022 People - note 2023 Area - comparative 2024 Military service age and obligation 2025 Manpower fit for military service 2026 Manpower reaching militarily significant age 2028 Background 2030 Airports - with paved runways 2031 Airports - with unpaved runways 2032 Environment - current issues 2033 Environment - international agreements 2034 Military expenditures 2038 Electricity - production 2042 Electricity - consumption 2043 Electricity - imports 2044 Electricity - exports 2045 Electricity - production by source 2046 Population below poverty line 2047 Household income or consumption by percentage share 2048 Labor force - by occupation 2049 Exports - commodities 2050 Exports - partners 2051 Administrative divisions 2052 Agriculture - products 2053 Airports 2054 Birth rate 2055 Military branches 2056 Budget 2057 Capital 2058 Imports - commodities 2059 Climate 2060 Coastline 2061 Imports - partners 2062 2063 Constitution 2064 2065 2066 Death rate 2068 Dependent areas 2070 Disputes - international 2075 Ethnic groups 2076 Exchange rates 2077 Executive branch 2078 Exports 2079 Debt - external 2080 2081 Flag description 2085 Roadways 2086 Illicit drugs 2087 Imports 2088 Independence 2089 Industrial production growth rate 2090 Industries 2091 Infant mortality rate 2092 Inflation rate (consumer prices) 2093 Waterways 2094 Judicial branch 2095 Labor force 2096 Land boundaries 2097 Land use 2098 Languages 2100 Legal system 2101 Legislative branch 2102 Life expectancy at birth 2103 Literacy 2105 Manpower available for military service 2106 Maritime claims 2107 International organization participation 2108 Merchant marine 2109 National holiday 2110 Nationality 2111 Natural resources 2112 Net migration rate 2113 Geography - note 2115 Political pressure groups and leaders 2116 Economy - overview 2117 Pipelines 2118 Political parties and leaders 2119 Population 2120 Ports and terminals 2121 Railways 2122 Religions 2123 Suffrage 2124 Telephone system 2125 Terrain 2127 Total fertility rate 2128 Government type 2129 Unemployment rate 2137 Military - note 2138 Communications - note 2140 Government - note 2141 Group 2142 Country name 2144 Location 2145 Map references 2146 Irrigated land 2147 Area 2149 Diplomatic representation in the US 2150 Telephones - main lines in use 2151 Telephones - mobile cellular 2152 2153 Internet users 2154 Internet country code 2155 HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate 2156 HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS 2157 HIV/AIDS - deaths 2158 2172 Distribution of family income - Gini index 2173 Oil - production 2174 Oil - consumption 2175 Oil - imports 2176 Oil - exports 2177 Median age 2178 Oil - proved reserves 2179 Natural gas - proved reserves 2180 Natural gas - production 2181 Natural gas - consumption 2182 Natural gas - imports 2183 Natural gas - exports 2184 Internet hosts 2185 Investment (gross fixed) 2186 Public debt 2187 Current account balance 2188 Reserves of foreign exchange and gold 2189 Union name 2190 Political structure 2191 Member states 2192 Preliminary statement 2193 Major infectious diseases 2194 Refugees and internally displaced persons 2195 GDP (official exchange rate) 2196 Trafficking in persons 2198 Stock of direct foreign investment - at home 2199 Stock of direct foreign investment - abroad 2200 Market value of publicly traded shares 2201 Total renewable water resources 2202 Freshwater withdrawal 2203 Geographic overview 2204 Economy of the area administered by Turkish Cypriots 2205 School life expectancy (primary to tertiary 2206 Education expenditures 2207 Central bank discount rate 2208 Commercial bank prime lending rate 2209 Stock of money 2210 Stock of quasi money 2211 Stock of domestic credit 2212 Urbanization 2213 Broadcast media 2214 Stock of narrow money 2215 Stock of broad money


      References :: Guide to Country Comparisons

      Country Comparison pages are presorted lists of data from selected Factbook data fields. Country Comparison pages are generally given in descending order - highest to lowest - such as Population and Area. The two exceptions are Unemployment Rate and Inflation Rate, which are in ascending - lowest to highest - order. Country Comparison pages are available for the following 58 fields in six of the nine Factbook categories.

      Geography ::



      People ::


      Population growth rate:

      Birth rate:

      Death rate:

      Net migration rate:

      Infant mortality rate:

      Life expectancy at birth:

      Total fertility rate:

      HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate:

      HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS:

      HIV/AIDS - deaths:

      Education expenditures:

      Economy ::

      GDP (purchasing power parity):

      GDP real growth rate:

      GDP - per capita (PPP):

      Labor force:

      Unemployment rate:

      Distribution of family income - Gini Index:

      Investment (gross fixed):

      Public debt:

      Inflation rate (consumer prices):

      Central bank discount rate:

      Commercial bank prime lending rate:

      Stock of money:

      Stock of quasi money:

      Stock of domestic credit:

      Market value of publicly traded shares:

      Industrial production growth rate:

      Electricity - production:

      Electricity - consumption:

      Oil - production:

      Oil - consumption:

      Oil - exports:

      Oil - imports:

      Oil - proved reserves:

      Natural gas - production:

      Natural gas - consumption:

      Natural gas - exports:

      Natural gas - imports:

      Natural gas - proved reserves:

      Current account balance:



      Reserves of foreign exchange and gold:

      Debt - external:

      Stock of direct foreign investment - at home:

      Stock of direct foreign investment - abroad:

      Communications ::

      Telephones - main lines in use:

      Telephones - mobile cellular:


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