The 2010 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2010 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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long form: Republic of Azerbaijan

      conventional short form: Azerbaijan

      local long form: Azarbaycan Respublikasi

      local short form: Azarbaycan

      former: Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic

      Government type:



      name: Baku (Baki, Baky)

      geographic coordinates: 40 23 N, 49 52 E

      time difference: UTC+4 (9 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time)

      daylight saving time: +1hr, begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October

      Administrative divisions:

      59 rayons (rayonlar; rayon - singular), 11 cities (saharlar; sahar - singular), 1 autonomous republic (muxtar respublika)

      rayons: Abseron Rayonu, Agcabadi Rayonu, Agdam Rayonu, Agdas Rayonu,

       Agstafa Rayonu, Agsu Rayonu, Astara Rayonu, Balakan Rayonu, Barda

       Rayonu, Beylaqan Rayonu, Bilasuvar Rayonu, Cabrayil Rayonu,

       Calilabad Rayonu, Daskasan Rayonu, Davaci Rayonu, Fuzuli Rayonu,

       Gadabay Rayonu, Goranboy Rayonu, Goycay Rayonu, Haciqabul Rayonu,

       Imisli Rayonu, Ismayilli Rayonu, Kalbacar Rayonu, Kurdamir Rayonu,

       Lacin Rayonu, Lankaran Rayonu, Lerik Rayonu, Masalli Rayonu,

       Neftcala Rayonu, Oguz Rayonu, Qabala Rayonu, Qax Rayonu, Qazax

       Rayonu, Qobustan Rayonu, Quba Rayonu, Qubadli Rayonu, Qusar Rayonu,

       Saatli Rayonu, Sabirabad Rayonu, Saki Rayonu, Salyan Rayonu, Samaxi

       Rayonu, Samkir Rayonu, Samux Rayonu, Siyazan Rayonu, Susa Rayonu,

       Tartar Rayonu, Tovuz Rayonu, Ucar Rayonu, Xacmaz Rayonu, Xanlar

       Rayonu, Xizi Rayonu, Xocali Rayonu, Xocavand Rayonu, Yardimli

       Rayonu, Yevlax Rayonu, Zangilan Rayonu, Zaqatala Rayonu, Zardab


      cities: Ali Bayramli Sahari, Baki Sahari, Ganca Sahari, Lankaran Sahari, Mingacevir Sahari, Naftalan Sahari, Saki Sahari, Sumqayit Sahari, Susa Sahari, Xankandi Sahari, Yevlax Sahari

      autonomous republic: Naxcivan Muxtar Respublikasi (Nakhichevan)


      30 August 1991 (declared from the Soviet Union); 18 October 1991 (adopted by the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan)

      National holiday:

      Founding of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, 28 May (1918)


      adopted 12 November 1995; modified by referendum 24 August 2002

      Legal system:

      based on civil law system; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction


      18 years of age; universal

      Executive branch:

      chief of state: President Ilham ALIYEV (since 31 October 2003)

      head of government: Prime Minister Artur RASIZADE (since 4 November 2003); First Deputy Prime Minister Yaqub EYYUBOV (since June 2006)

      cabinet: Council of Ministers appointed by the president and confirmed by the National Assembly (For more information visit the World Leaders website ) elections: president elected by popular vote for a five-year term (eligible for unlimited terms); election last held on 15 October 2008 (next to be held in October 2013); prime minister and first deputy prime minister appointed by the president and confirmed by the National Assembly

      election results: Ilham ALIYEV reelected president; percent of vote - Ilham ALIYEV 89%, Igbal AGHAZADE 2.9%, five other candidates with smaller percentages

      note: several political parties boycotted the election due to unfair conditions; OSCE observers concluded that the election did not meet international standards

      Legislative branch:

      unicameral National Assembly or Milli Mejlis (125 seats; members elected by popular vote to serve five-year terms)

      elections: last held on 7 November 2010 (next to be held in November 2015)

      election results: percent of vote by party - YAP 45.8%, CSP 1.6%,

       Motherland 1.4%, independents 48.2%, other 3.1%; seats by party -

       YAP 71, CSP 3, Motherland 2, Democratic Reforms 1, Great Creation 1,

       Hope Party 1, Social Welfare 1, Civil Unity 1, Whole Azerbaijan

       Popular Front 1, Justice 1, independents 42

      Judicial branch:

      Supreme Court

      Political parties and leaders:

      Azerbaijan Democratic Party or ADP [Sardar JALALOGLU]; Civil

       Solidarity Party or CSP [Sabir RUSTAMKHANLI]; Civil Unity Party

       [Sabir HACIYEV]; Classic People's Front of Azerbaijan [Mirmahmud

       MIRALI-OGLU]; Democratic Reform Party [Asim MOLLAZADE]; Great

       Creation Party [Fazil Gazanfaroglu MUSTAFAYEV]; Hope (Umid) Party

       [Iqbal AGAZADE]; Justice Party [Ilyas ISMAYILOV]; Liberal Party of

       Azerbaijan [Lala Shovkat HACIYEVA]; Motherland Party [Fazail

       AGAMALI]; Musavat (Equality) [Isa GAMBAR, chairman]; Open Society

       Party [Rasul GULIYEV, in exile in the US]; Social Democratic Party

       of Azerbaijan or SDP [Araz ALIZADE and Ayaz MUTALIBOV (in exile)];

       Social Welfare Party [Hussein KAZIMLI]; United Popular Azerbaijan

       Front Party or AXCP [Ali KARIMLI]; Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front

       Party [Gudrat HASANGULIYEV]; Yeni (New) Azerbaijan Party or YAP

       [President Ilham ALIYEV]

      note: opposition parties regularly factionalize and form new parties

      Political pressure groups and leaders:

      Azerbaijan Public Forum [Eldar NAMAZOV];

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