The 2010 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2010 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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place on 23 June and 10 July 1994; according to the 1994 constitution, the next election should have been held in 1999, however, Aleksandr LUKASHENKO extended his term to 2001 via a November 1996 referendum; subsequent election held on 9 September 2001; an October 2004 referendum ended presidential term limits and allowed the president to run in a third (19 March 2006) and fourth election (19 December 2010); prime minister and deputy prime ministers appointed by the president

      election results: Aleksandr LUKASHENKO reelected president; percent of vote - Aleksandr LUKASHENKO 79.7%, Andrey SANNIKAU 2.6%, other candidates 17.7%; note - election marred by electoral fraud

      Legislative branch:

      bicameral National Assembly or Natsionalnoye Sobraniye consists of the Council of the Republic or Sovet Respubliki (64 seats; 56 members elected by regional and Minsk city councils and 8 members appointed by the president, to serve four-year terms) and the Chamber of Representatives or Palata Predstaviteley (110 seats; members elected by popular vote to serve four-year terms)

      elections: Palata Predstaviteley - last held on 28 September 2008 (next to be held in the spring of 2012); international observers determined that despite minor improvements the election ultimately fell short of democratic standards; pro-LUKASHENKO candidates won every seat

      election results: Sovet Respubliki - percent of vote by party - NA; seats by party - NA; Palata Predstaviteley - percent of vote by party - NA; seats by party - NA

      Judicial branch:

      Supreme Court (judges are appointed by the president); Constitutional Court (half of the judges appointed by the president and half appointed by the Chamber of Representatives)

      Political parties and leaders:

      pro-government parties: Belarusian Agrarian Party or AP [Mikhail

       SHIMANSKY]; Belarusian Patriotic Movement (Belarusian Patriotic

       Party) or BPR [Nikolay ULAKHOVICH, chairman]; Communist Party of

       Belarus or KPB [Tatsyana HOLUBEVA]; Liberal Democratic Party or LDP

       [Sergey GAYDUKEVICH]; Republican Party of Labor and Justice [Vasiliy


      opposition parties: Belarusian Christian Democracy Party [Pavel SEVERINETS] (unregistered); Belarusian Party of Communists or PKB [Sergey KALYAKIN]; Belarusian Party of Labor [Aleksandr BUKHVOSTOV] (unregistered); Belarusian Popular Front or BPF [Aleksey YANUKEVICH]; Belarusian Social-Democratic Hramada [Stanislav SHUSHKEVICH]; Belarusian Social Democratic Party Hramada ("Assembly") or BSDPH [Anatoliy LEVKOVICH]; Belarusian Social Democratic Party People's Assembly ("Narodnaya Hramada") [Nikolay STATKEVICH] (unregistered); Belarusian Women's Party Nadzeya ("Hope") [Yelena YESKOVA, chairperson]; Christian Conservative Party or BPF [Zyanon PAZNIAK]; European Belarus Campaign [Andrey SANNIKOV]; Party of Freedom and Progress [Vladimir NOVOSYAD] (unregistered); "Tell the Truth" Campaign [Vladimir NEKLYAYEV]; United Civic Party or UCP [Anatoliy LEBEDKO]

      Political pressure groups and leaders:

      Assembly of Pro-Democratic NGOs (unregistered) [Sergey MATSKEVICH];

       Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions [Aleksandr YAROSHUK];

       Belarusian Association of Journalists [Zhana LITVINA]; Belarusian

       Helsinki Committee [Aleh HULAK]; Belarusian Independence Bloc

       (unregistered) and For Freedom movement [Aleksandr MILINKEVICH];

       Belarusian Organization of Working Women [Irina ZHIKHAR]; BPF-Youth

       [Andrus KRECHKA]; Charter 97 (unregistered) [Andrey SANNIKOV];

       Perspektiva small business association [Anatol SHUMCHENKO]; Nasha

       Vyasna (unregistered) ("Our Spring") human rights center; "Tell the

       Truth" Movement [Vladimir NEKLYAYEV]; Women's Independent Democratic

       Movement [Ludmila PETINA]; Young Belarus (Malady Belarus) [Zmitser

       KASPYAROVICH]; Youth Front (Malady Front) [Zmitser DASHKEVICH]

      International organization participation:

      BSEC (observer), CBSS (observer), CEI, CIS, CSTO, EAEC, EAPC, EBRD,



       PCA, PFP, SCO (dialogue member), UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNIDO, UNWTO,

       UPU, WCO, WFTU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO (observer)

      Diplomatic representation in the US:

      chief of mission: Ambassador (vacant); Charge d'Affaires Oleg KRAVCHENKO

      chancery: 1619 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20009

      telephone: [1] (202) 986–1604

      FAX: [1] (202) 986–1805

      consulate(s) general: New York

      Diplomatic representation from the US:

      chief of mission: Ambassador (vacant); Charge d'Affaires Michael SCANLAN

      embassy: 46 Starovilenskaya Street, Minsk 220002

      mailing address: PSC 78, Box B Minsk, APO 09723

      telephone: [375] (17) 210–12-83, 217–7347 through 7348

      FAX: [375] (17) 334–7853

      Flag description:

      red horizontal band (top) and green horizontal band one-half the width of the red band; a white vertical stripe on the hoist side bears Belarusian national ornamentation in red; the red band color recalls past struggles from oppression, the green band represents hope and the many forests of the country

      National anthem:

      name: "My, Bielarusy" (We Belarusians)

      lyrics/music: Mikhas KLIMKOVICH and Uladzimir KARYZNA/Nester SAKALOUSKI

      note: music adopted 1955, lyrics adopted 2002; after the fall of the Soviet Union, Belarus kept the music of its Soviet-era anthem but adopted new lyrics; also known as "Dziarzauny himn Respubliki Bielarus" (State Anthem of the Republic of Belarus)

      Economy ::Belarus

      Economy - overview:

      Belarus has seen limited structural reform since 1995, when President LUKASHENKO launched the country on the path of "market socialism." In keeping with this policy, LUKASHENKO reimposed administrative controls over prices and currency exchange rates and expanded the state's right to intervene in the management of private enterprises. Since 2005, the government has re-nationalized a number of private companies. In addition, businesses have been subjected to pressure by central and local governments, including arbitrary changes in regulations, numerous rigorous

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