The 2010 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2010 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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14 years

      male: 14 years

      female: 14 years (2008)

      Education expenditures:

      3.7% of GDP (2000) country comparison to the world: 121

      Government ::Brunei

      Country name:

      conventional long form: Brunei Darussalam

      conventional short form: Brunei

      local long form: Negara Brunei Darussalam

      local short form: Brunei

      Government type:

      constitutional sultanate (locally known as Malay Islamic Monarchy)


      name: Bandar Seri Begawan

      geographic coordinates: 4 53 N, 114 56 E

      time difference: UTC+8 (13 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time)

      Administrative divisions:

      4 districts (daerah-daerah, singular - daerah); Belait, Brunei-Muara, Temburong, Tutong


      1 January 1984 (from the UK)

      National holiday:

      National Day, 23 February (1984); note - 1 January 1984 was the date of independence from the UK, 23 February 1984 was the date of independence from British protection


      29 September 1959 (some provisions suspended under a State of Emergency since December 1962, others since independence on 1 January 1984)

      Legal system:

      based on English common law; for Muslims, Islamic sharia law supersedes civil law concerning Muslim marriages and inheritance; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction


      18 years of age for village elections; universal

      Executive branch:

      chief of state: Sultan and Prime Minister Sir HASSANAL Bolkiah (since 5 October 1967); note - the monarch is both the chief of state and head of government

      head of government: Sultan and Prime Minister Sir HASSANAL Bolkiah (since 5 October 1967)

      cabinet: Council of Cabinet Ministers appointed and presided over by the monarch; deals with executive matters; note - there is also a Religious Council (members appointed by the monarch) that advises on religious matters, a Privy Council (members appointed by the monarch) that deals with constitutional matters, and the Council of Succession (members appointed by the monarch) that determines the succession to the throne if the need arises (For more information visit the World Leaders website ) elections: none; the monarchy is hereditary

      Legislative branch:

      The Sultan appointed a Legislative Council with 29 members as of 2

       September 2005; the council has met in March of each year since then

      elections: last held in March 1962 (date of next election NA)

      note: The Legislative Council met on 25 September 2004 for first time in 20 years with 21 members appointed by the Sultan; it passed constitutional amendments calling for a 45-seat council with 15 elected members; no timeframe for an election has been announced

      Judicial branch:

      Supreme Court - chief justice and judges are sworn in by monarch for three-year terms; Judicial Committee of Privy Council in London is final court of appeal for civil cases; Sharia courts deal with Islamic laws (2006)

      Political parties and leaders:

      National Development Party or NDP [YASSIN Affendi]

      note: Brunei National Solidarity Party or PPKB [Abdul LATIF bin Chuchu] and People's Awareness Party or PAKAR [Awang Haji MAIDIN bin Haji Ahmad] were deregistered in 2007; parties are small and have limited activity

      Political pressure groups and leaders:


      International organization participation:


       IFRCS, ILO, IMF, IMO, IMSO, Interpol, IOC, ISO (correspondent),



      Diplomatic representation in the US:

      chief of mission: Ambassador Yusoff Abd HAMID

      chancery: 3520 International Court NW, Washington, DC 20008

      telephone: [1] (202) 237–1838

      FAX: [1] (202) 885–0560

      Diplomatic representation from the US:

      chief of mission: Ambassador (vacant); Charge d'Affaires Alexander L. BARRASSO

      embassy: Simpang 336–52-16–9, Jalan Kebangsaan, Bandar Seri Begawan, BS8811

      mailing address: PSC 470 (BSB), FPO AP 96507; P.O. Box 2991, Bandar Seri Begawan BS8675, Negara Brunei Darussalam

      telephone: [673] 238–4616

      FAX: [673] 238–4606

      Flag description:

      yellow with two diagonal bands of white (top, almost double width) and black starting from the upper hoist side; the national emblem in red is superimposed at the center; yellow is the color of royalty and symbolizes the sultanate; the white and black bands denote Brunei's chief ministers; the emblem includes five main components: a swallow-tailed flag, the royal umbrella representing the monarchy, the wings of four feathers symbolizing justice, tranquility, prosperity, and peace, the two upraised hands signifying the government's pledge to preserve and promote the welfare of the people, and the crescent moon denoting Islam, the state religion; the state motto "Always render service with God's guidance" appears in yellow Arabic script on the crescent; a ribbon below the crescent reads "Brunei, the Abode of Peace"

      National anthem:

      name: "Allah Peliharakan Sultan" (God Bless His Majesty)

      lyrics/music: Pengiran Haji Mohamed YUSUF bin Abdul Rahim/Awang Haji BESAR bin Sagap

      note: adopted 1951


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