The 2010 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2010 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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of GDP (2007) country comparison to the world: 147

      Government ::Armenia

      Country name:

      conventional long form: Republic of Armenia

      conventional short form: Armenia

      local long form: Hayastani Hanrapetut'yun

      local short form: Hayastan

      former: Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, Armenian Republic

      Government type:



      name: Yerevan

      geographic coordinates: 40 10 N, 44 30 E

      time difference: UTC+4 (9 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time)

      daylight saving time: +1hr, begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October

      Administrative divisions:

      11 provinces (marzer, singular - marz); Aragatsotn, Ararat, Armavir, Geghark'unik', Kotayk', Lorri, Shirak, Syunik', Tavush, Vayots' Dzor, Yerevan


      21 September 1991 (from the Soviet Union)

      National holiday:

      Independence Day, 21 September (1991)


      adopted by nationwide referendum 5 July 1995; amendments adopted through a nationwide referendum 27 November 2005

      Legal system:

      based on civil law system; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction


      18 years of age; universal

      Executive branch:

      chief of state: President Serzh SARGSIAN (since 9 April 2008)

      head of government: Prime Minister Tigran SARGSIAN (since 9 April 2008)

      cabinet: Council of Ministers appointed by the prime minister (For more information visit the World Leaders website ) elections: president elected by popular vote for a five-year term (eligible for a second term); election last held on 19 February 2008 (next to be held in February 2013); prime minister appointed by the president based on majority or plurality support in parliament; the prime minister and Council of Ministers must resign if the National Assembly refuses to accept their program

      election results: Serzh SARGSIAN elected president; percent of vote - Serzh SARGSIAN 52.9%, Levon TER-PETROSSIAN 21.5%, Artur BAGHDASARIAN 16.7%

      Legislative branch:

      unicameral National Assembly (Parliament) or Azgayin Zhoghov (131 seats; members elected by popular vote, 90 members elected by party list and 41 by direct vote; to serve five-year terms)

      elections: last held on 12 May 2007 (next to be held in the spring of 2012)

      election results: percent of vote by party - HHK 33.9%, Prosperous Armenia 15.1%, ARF (Dashnak) 13.2%, Rule of Law 7.1%, Heritage Party 6%, other 24.7%; seats by party - HHK 64, Prosperous Armenia 18, ARF (Dashnak) 16, Rule of Law 9, Heritage Party 7, independent 17

      Judicial branch:

      Constitutional Court; Court of Cassation (Appeals Court)

      Political parties and leaders:

      Armenian National Congress or ANC (bloc of independent and

       opposition parties) [Levon TER-PETROSSIAN]; Armenian National

       Movement or ANM [Ararat ZURABIAN]; Armenian Revolutionary Federation

       ("Dashnak" Party) or ARF [Hrant MARKARIAN]; Heritage Party [Raffi

       HOVHANNISIAN]; People's Party of Armenia [Stepan DEMIRCHIAN];

       Prosperous Armenia [Gagik TSARUKIAN]; Republican Party of Armenia or

       HHK [Serzh SARGSIAN]; Rule of Law Party (Orinats Yerkir) [Artur


      Political pressure groups and leaders:

      Aylentrank (Impeachment Alliance) [Nikol PASHINIAN]; Yerkrapah Union

       [Manvel GRIGORIAN]

      International organization participation:

      ADB, BSEC, CE, CIS, CSTO, EAEC (observer), EAPC, EBRD, FAO, GCTU,


       IOC, IOM, IPU, ISO, ITSO, ITU, MIGA, NAM (observer), OAS (observer),

       OIF (associate member), OPCW, OSCE, PFP, UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNIDO,


      Diplomatic representation in the US:

      chief of mission: Ambassador Tatoul MARKARIAN

      chancery: 2225 R Street NW, Washington, DC 20008

      telephone: [1] (202) 319–1976

      FAX: [1] (202) 319–2982

      consulate(s) general: Los Angeles

      Diplomatic representation from the US:

      chief of mission: Ambassador Marie L. YOVANOVITCH

      embassy: 1 American Ave., Yerevan 0082

      mailing address: American Embassy Yerevan, US Department of State, 7020 Yerevan Place, Washington, DC 20521–7020

      telephone: [374](10) 464–700

      FAX: [374](10) 464–742

      Flag description:

      three equal horizontal bands of red (top), blue, and orange; the color red recalls the blood shed for liberty, blue the Armenian skies as well as hope, and orange the land and the courage of the workers who farm it

      National anthem:

      name: "Mer Hayrenik""(Our Fatherland)

      lyrics/music: Mikael NALBANDIAN/Barsegh KANACHYAN

      note: adopted 1991; based on the anthem of the Democratic Republic of Armenia (1918–1922) but with different lyrics

      Economy ::Armenia


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