The 1990 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1990 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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68.5 km

      Maritime claims:

      Exclusive fishing zone: 12 nm;

      Territorial sea: 12 nm

      Climate: tropical marine; little seasonal temperature variation

      Terrain: flat with a few hills; scant vegetation

      Natural resources: negligible; white sandy beaches

      Land use: 0% arable land; 0% permanent crops; 0% meadows and pastures; 0% forest and woodland; 100% other

      Environment: lies outside the Caribbean hurricane belt

      Note: 28 km north of Venezuela

      - People

       Population: 62,656 (July 1990), growth rate 0.2% (1990)

      Birth rate: 16 births/1,000 population (1990)

      Death rate: 6 deaths/1,000 population (1990)

      Net migration rate: - 8 migrants/1,000 population (1990)

      Infant mortality rate: 8 deaths/1,000 live births (1990)

      Life expectancy at birth: 72 years male, 80 years female (1990)

      Total fertility rate: 1.8 children born/woman (1990)

      Nationality: noun—Aruban(s); adjective—Aruban

      Ethnic divisions: 80% mixed European/Caribbean Indian

      Religion: 82% Roman Catholic, 8% Protestant; also small Hindu, Muslim,

       Confucian, and Jewish minority

      Language: Dutch (official), Papiamento (a Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch,

       English dialect), English (widely spoken), Spanish

      Literacy: 95%

      Labor force: NA, but most employment is in the tourist industry (1986)

      Organized labor: Aruban Workers' Federation (FTA)

      - Government

       Long-form name: none

      Type: part of the Dutch realm—full autonomy in internal affairs obtained in 1986 upon separation from the Netherlands Antilles

      Capital: Oranjestad

      Administrative divisions: none (self-governing part of the Netherlands)

      Independence: planned for 1996

      Constitution: 1 January 1986

      Legal system: based on Dutch civil law system, with some English common law influence

      National holiday: Flag Day, 18 March

      Executive branch: Dutch monarch, governor, prime minister, Council of

       Ministers (cabinet)

      Legislative branch: unicameral Parliament (Staten)

      Judicial branch: Joint High Court of Justice

      Leaders: Chief of State—Queen BEATRIX Wilhelmina Armgard (since 30 April 1980), represented by Governor General Felipe B. TROMP (since 1 January 1986);

      Head of Government—Prime Minister Nelson ODUBER (since NA February 1989)

      Political parties and leaders: Electoral Movement Party (MEP),

       Nelson Oduber; Aruban People's Party (AVP), Henny Eman; National

       Democratic Action (ADN), Pedro Charro Kelly; New Patriotic Party (PPN),

       Eddy Werlemen; Aruban Patriotic Party (PPA), Benny Nisbet; Aruban Democratic

       Party (PDA), Leo Berlinski; Democratic Action '86 (AD'86), Arturo

       Oduber; governing coalition includes the MEP, PPA, and ADN

      Suffrage: universal at age 18

      Elections: Parliament—last held 6 January 1989 (next to be held by January 1993); results—percent of vote by party NA; seats—(21 total) MEP 10, AVP 8, ADN 1, PPN 1, PPA 1

      Diplomatic representation: none (self-governing part of the Netherlands)

      Flag: blue with two narrow horizontal yellow stripes across the lower portion and a red, four-pointed star outlined in white in the upper hoist-side corner

      - Economy Overview: Tourism is the mainstay of the economy. In 1985 the economy suffered a severe blow when Exxon closed its refinery, a major source of employment and foreign exchange earnings. Economic collapse was prevented by soft loans from the Dutch Government and by a booming tourist industry. Hotel capacity expanded by 20% between 1985 and 1987 and is projected to more than double by 1990. Unemployment has steadily declined from about 20% in 1986 to about 3% in 1988.

      GDP: $620 million, per capita $10,000; real growth rate 16.7% (1988 est.)

      Inflation rate (consumer prices): 4% (1988 est.)

      Unemployment rate: 3% (1988 est.)

      Budget: revenues $145 million; expenditures $185 million, including capital expenditures of $42 million (1988)

      Exports: $47.5 million (f.o.b., 1988 est.); commodities—mostly petroleum products; partners—US 64%, EC

      Imports: $296.0 million (c.i.f., 1988 est.); commodities—food, consumer goods, manufactures; partners—US 8%, EC

      External debt: $81 million (1987)

      Industrial production: growth rate - 20% (1984)

      Electricity: 310,000 kW capacity; 945 million kWh produced, 15,120 kWh per capita (1989)

      Industries: tourism, transshipment facilities

      Agriculture: poor quality soils and low rainfall limit agricultural activity to the cultivation of aloes

      Aid: none

      Currency: Aruban florin (plural—florins); 1 Aruban florin (Af.) = 100 cents

      Exchange rates: Aruban florins (Af.) per US$1—1.7900 (fixed rate since 1986)

      Fiscal year: calendar year

      - Communications

       Ports: Oranjestad, Sint Nicolaas

      Airfield: government-owned airport east of Oranjestad

      Telecommunications: generally adequate; extensive interisland radio relay links; 72,168 telephones; stations—4 AM, 4 FM, 1 TV; 1 sea cable to St. Maarten

      - Defense Forces Note: defense is the responsibility of the Netherlands until 1996——————————————————————————

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