The 1990 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1990 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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style="font-size:15px;">       Chief of State—Queen ELIZABETH II (since 6 February 1952), represented by

       Governor General Dame Elmira Minita GORDON (since 21 September 1981);

      Head of Government—Prime Minister George Cadle PRICE (since 4

       September 1989)

      Political parties and leaders: People's United Party (PUP),

       George Price, Florencio Marin, Said Musa; United Democratic Party (UDP),

       Manuel Esquivel, Curl Thompson, Dean Barrow; Belize Popular Party

       (BPP), Louis Sylvestre

      Suffrage: universal at age 18

      Elections: National Assembly—last held 4 September 1989 (next to be held September 1994); results—percent of vote by party NA; seats—(28 total) PUP 15 seats, UDP 13 seats; note—in January 1990 one member expelled from UDP joined PUP, making the seat count 16 PUP, UDP 12

      Communists: negligible

      Other political or pressure groups: Society for the Promotion of Education and Research (SPEAR) headed by former PUP minister; United Workers Front

      Member of: ACP, CARICOM, CDB, Commonwealth, FAO, GATT, IBRD, IDA, IFAD,


      Diplomatic representation: Ambassador Edward A. LAING; Chancery at

       Suite 2J, 3400 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008; telephone

       (202) 363–4505;

       US—Ambassador Robert G. RICH, Jr.; Embassy at Gabourel Lane and Hutson

       Street, Belize City (mailing address is P. O. Box 286, Belize City); telephone

       p501o 77161 through 77163

      Flag: blue with a narrow red stripe along the top and the bottom edges; centered is a large white disk bearing the coat of arms; the coat of arms features a shield flanked by two workers with a mahogany tree at the top and the related motto SUB UMBRA FLOREO (I Flourish in the Shade) on a scroll at the bottom, all encircled by a green garland

      - Economy Overview: The economy is based primarily on agriculture and merchandising. Agriculture accounts for more than 30% of GDP and provides 75% of export earnings, while sugar, the chief crop, accounts for almost 40% of hard currency earnings. The US, Belize's main trading partner, is assisting in efforts to reduce dependency on sugar with an agricultural diversification program. In 1987 the drop in income from sugar sales to the US because of quota reductions was almost totally offset by higher world prices for sugar.

      GDP: $225.6 million, per capita $1,285; real growth rate 6% (1989 est.)

      Inflation rate (consumer prices): 1.5% (1988)

      Unemployment rate: 14% (1988 est.)

      Budget: revenues $94.6 million; expenditures $74.3 million, including capital expenditures of $33.9 million (1988 est.)

      Exports: $120 million (f.o.b., 1988); commodities—sugar, clothing, seafood, molasses, citrus, wood and wood products; partners—US 47%, UK, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada (1987)

      Imports: $176 million (c.i.f., 1988); commodities—machinery and transportation equipment, food, manufactured goods, fuels, chemicals, pharmaceuticals; partners—US 55%, UK, Netherlands Antilles, Mexico (1987)

      External debt: $140 million (December 1988)

      Industrial production: growth rate 6% (1988)

      Electricity: 34,000 kW capacity; 88 million kWh produced, 500 kWh per capita (1989)

      Industries: sugar refining, clothing, timber and forest products, furniture, rum, soap, beverages, cigarettes, tourism

      Agriculture: accounts for 30% of GDP (including fish and forestry); commercial crops include sugarcane, bananas, coca, citrus fruits; expanding output of lumber and cultured shrimp; net importer of basic foods

      Illicit drugs: an illicit producer of cannabis for the international drug trade; eradication program cut marijuana production from 200 metric tons in 1987 to 66 metric tons in 1989; transshipment point for cocaine

      Aid: US commitments, including Ex-Im (FY70–88), $94 million; Western (non-US) countries, ODA and OOF bilateral commitments (1970–87), $194 million

      Currency: Belizean dollar (plural—dollars); 1 Belizean dollar

       (Bz$) = 100 cents

      Exchange rates: Belizean dollars (Bz$) per US$1—2.00 (fixed rate)

      Fiscal year: 1 April-31 March

      - Communications Highways: 2,575 km total; 340 km paved, 1,190 km gravel, 735 km improved earth, and 310 km unimproved earth

      Inland waterways: 825 km river network used by shallow-draft craft; seasonally navigable

      Ports: Belize City, Belize City Southwest

      Civil air: no major transport aircraft

      Airports: 38 total, 30 usable; 4 with permanent-surface runways; none with runways over 2,439 m; 2 with runways 1,220–2,439 m

      Telecommunications: 8,650 telephones; above-average system based on radio relay; stations—6 AM, 5 FM, 1 TV, 1 shortwave; 1 Atlantic Ocean INTELSAT earth station

      - Defense Forces

       Branches: British Forces Belize, Belize Defense Force, Coast

       Guard, Police Department

      Military manpower: males 15–49, 50,988; 30,502 fit for military service; 2,500 reach military age (18) annually

      Defense expenditures: 2.0% of GDP, or $4.6 million (1989 est.)


       Country: Benin

       - Geography

       Total area: 112,620 km2; land area: 110,620 km2

      Comparative area: slightly smaller than Pennsylvania

      Land boundaries: 1,989 km total; Burkina 306 km, Niger 266 km,

       Nigeria 773 km, Togo 644 km

      Coastline: 121 km

      Maritime claims:

      Territorial sea: 200 nm

      Climate: tropical; hot, humid in south; semiarid in north

      Terrain: mostly flat to undulating plain; some hills and low mountains

      Natural resources: small offshore oil deposits, limestone, marble, timber

      Land use: 12% arable

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