The 1990 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1990 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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AD TAYLOR (since NA)

      Communists: none

      Diplomatic representation: none (territory of Australia)

      Flag: the flag of Australia is used

      - Economy Overview: Phosphate mining is the only significant economic activity, but in November 1987 the Australian Government announced that the mine would be closed because of labor unrest. Plans are under way to build a casino and hotel to develop tourism.

      GDP: $NA, per capita $NA; real growth rate NA%

      Inflation rate (consumer prices): NA%

      Unemployment rate: 0%

      Budget: revenues $NA; expenditures $NA, including capital expenditures of


      Exports: $NA; commodities—phosphate; partners—Australia, NZ

      Imports: $NA; commodities—NA; partners—NA

      External debt: $NA

      Industrial production: growth rate NA%

      Electricity: 11,000 kW capacity; 38 million kWh produced, 16,680 kWh per capita (1989)

      Industries: phosphate extraction (near depletion)

      Agriculture: NA

      Aid: none

      Currency: Australian dollar (plural—dollars); 1 Australian dollar

       ($A) = 100 cents

      Exchange rates: Australian dollars ($A) per US$1—1.2784 (January 1990), 1.2618 (1989), 1.2752 (1988), 1.4267 (1987), 1.4905 (1986), 1.4269 (1985)

      Fiscal year: 1 July-30 June

      - Communications

       Ports: Flying Fish Cove

      Airports: 1 usable with permanent-surface runway 1,220–2,439 m

      Telecommunications: 4,000 radios (1982)

      - Defense Forces

       Note: defense is the responsibility of Australia


       Country: Clipperton Island

       (French possession)

       - Geography

       Total area: undetermined

      Comparative area: undetermined

      Land boundaries: none

      Coastline: 11.1 km

      Maritime claims:

      Contiguous zone: 12 nm;

      Continental shelf: 200 meters or to depth of exploitation;

      Extended economic zone: 200 nm;

      Territorial sea: 12 nm

      Climate: tropical

      Terrain: coral atoll

      Natural resources: none

      Land use: 0% arable land; 0% permanent crops; 0% meadows and pastures; 0% forest and woodland; 100% other (coral)

      Environment: reef about 8 km in circumference

      Note: located 1,120 km southwest of Mexico in the North Pacific Ocean

      - People

       Population: uninhabited

      - Government

       Long-form name: none

      Type: French possession administered by High Commissioner of the

       Republic Jean MONTPEZAT, resident in French Polynesia

      - Economy

       Overview: no economic activity

      - Communications

       Ports: none; offshore anchorage only

      - Defense Forces

       Note: defense is the responsibility of France


       Country: Cocos (Keeling) Islands

       (territory of Australia)

       - Geography

       Total area: 14 km2; land area: 14 km2; main islands are West Island and

       Home Island

      Comparative area: about 24 times the size of The Mall in Washington, DC

      Land boundaries: none

      Coastline: 42.6 km

      Maritime claims:

      Contiguous zone: 12 nm;

      Continental shelf: 200 meters or to depth of exploitation;

      Exclusive fishing zone: 200 nm;

      Territorial sea: 3 nm

      Climate: pleasant, modified by the southeast trade winds for about nine months of the year; moderate rainfall

      Terrain: flat, low-lying coral atolls

      Natural resources: fish

      Land use: 0% arable land; 0% permanent crops; 0% meadows and pastures; 0% forest and woodland; 100% other

      Environment: two coral atolls thickly covered with coconut palms and other vegetation

      Note: located 1,070 km southwest of Sumatra (Indonesia) in the

       Indian Ocean about halfway between Australia and Sri Lanka

      - People

       Population: 670 (July 1990), growth rate 2.1% (1990)

      Birth rate: NA births/1,000 population (1990)

      Death rate: NA deaths/1,000 population (1990)

      Net migration rate: NA migrants/1,000 population (1990)

      Infant mortality rate: NA deaths/1,000 live births (1990)

      Life expectancy at birth: NA years male, NA years female (1990)

      Total fertility rate: NA children born/woman (1990)

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