The 1990 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1990 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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born/woman (1990)

      Nationality: noun—American Samoan(s); adjective—American Samoan

      Ethnic divisions: 90% Samoan (Polynesian), 2% Caucasian, 2% Tongan, 6% other

      Religion: about 50% Christian Congregationalist, 20% Roman Catholic, 30% mostly Protestant denominations and other

      Language: Samoan (closely related to Hawaiian and other Polynesian languages) and English; most people are bilingual

      Literacy: 99%

      Labor force: 10,000; 48% government, 33% tuna canneries, 19% other (1986 est.)

      Organized labor: NA

      Note: about 65,000 American Samoans live in the States of

       California and Washington and 20,000 in Hawaii

      - Government

       Long-form name: Territory of American Samoa

      Type: unincorporated and unorganized territory of the US

      Capital: Pago Pago

      Administrative divisions: none (territory of the US)

      Independence: none (territory of the US)

      Constitution: ratified 1966, in effect 1967

      National holiday: Flag Day, 17 April (1900)

      Executive branch: US president, governor, lieutenant governor

      Legislative branch: bicameral Legislature (Fono) consists of an upper house or Senate and a lower house or House of Representatives

      Judicial branch: High Court


       Chief of State—President George BUSH (since 20 January 1989);

       Vice President Dan QUAYLE (since 20 January 1989);

      Head of Government—Governor Peter Tali COLEMAN (since 20

       January 1989);

       Lieutenant Governor Galea'i POUMELE (since NA 1989)

      Suffrage: universal at age 18; indigenous inhabitants are US nationals, not US citizens

      Elections: Governor—last held 7 November 1988 (next to be held November 1992); results—Peter T. Coleman was elected (percent of vote NA);

      Senate—last held 7 November 1988 (next to be held November 1992); results—senators elected by county councils from 12 senate districts; seats—(18 total) number of seats by party NA;

      House of Representatives—last held 7 November 1988 (next to be held November 1990); results—representatives popularly elected from 17 house districts; seats—(21 total, 20 elected and 1 nonvoting delegate from Swain's Island);

      US House of Representatives—last held 19 November 1988 (next to be held November 1990); results—Eni R. F. H. Faleomavaega elected as a nonvoting delegate

      Communists: none

      Diplomatic representation: none (territory of the US)

      Flag: blue with a white triangle edged in red that is based on the fly side and extends to the hoist side; a brown and white American bald eagle flying toward the hoist side is carrying two traditional Samoan symbols of authority, a staff and a war club

      Note: administered by the US Department of Interior, Office of Territorial and International Affairs; indigenous inhabitants are US nationals, not citizens of the US

      - Economy Overview: Economic development is strongly linked to the US, with which American Samoa does 90% of its foreign trade. Tuna fishing and tuna processing plants are the backbone of the private sector economy, with canned tuna the primary export. The tuna canneries are the second-largest employer, exceeded only by the government. Other economic activities include meat canning, handicrafts, dairy farming, and a slowly developing tourist industry. Tropical agricultural production provides little surplus for export.

      GNP: $190 million, per capita $5,210; real growth rate NA% (1985)

      Inflation rate (consumer prices): 4.3% (1989)

      Unemployment rate: 13.4% (1986)

      Budget: revenues $90.3 million; expenditures $93.15 million, including capital expenditures of $4.9 million (1988)

      Exports: $288 million (f.o.b., 1987); commodities—canned tuna 93%; partners—US 99.6%

      Imports: $346 million (c.i.f., 1987); commodities—building materials 18%, food 17%, petroleum products 14%; partners—US 72%, Japan 7%, NZ 7%, Australia 5%, other 9%

      External debt: $NA

      Industrial production: growth rate NA%

      Electricity: 35,000 kW capacity; 70 million kWh produced, 1,720 kWh per capita (1989)

      Industries: tuna canneries (largely dependent on foreign supplies of raw tuna)

      Agriculture: bananas, coconuts, vegetables, taro, breadfruit, yams, copra, pineapples, papayas

      Aid: $20.1 million in operational funds and $5.8 million in construction funds for capital improvement projects from the US Department of Interior (1989)

      Currency: US currency is used

      Exchange rates: US currency is used

      Fiscal year: 1 October-30 September

      - Communications

       Railroads: small marine railroad in Pago Pago harbor

      Highways: 350 km total; 150 km paved, 200 km unpaved

      Ports: Pago Pago, Ta'u

      Airports: 3 total, 3 usable; 1 with permanent-surface runways; none with runways over 3,659 m; 1 with runways 2,440 to 3,659 m (international airport at Tafuna, near Pago Pago); small airstrips on Ta'u and Ofu

      Telecommunications: 6,500 telephones; stations—1 AM, no FM, 1 TV; good telex, telegraph, and facsimile services; 1 Pacific Ocean INTELSAT earth station

      - Defense Forces

       Note: defense is the responsibility of the US


       Country: Andorra

       - Geography

       Total area: 450 km2; land area: 450 km2

      Comparative area: slightly more than 2.5 times the size of Washington, DC

      Land boundaries: 125 km total; France 60 km, Spain 65 km

      Coastline: none—landlocked


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