Dostoyevsky, The Man Behind: Memoirs, Letters & Autobiographical Works. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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When he was settled at Tver, my father soon became intimate with Count Baranov, the Governor. His wife, nSe Vassiletchikov, was a cousin of Count SoUohub, the writer, who had formerly had a literary salon in Petersburg. My father, who had been one of the habitues of this salon, had been presented to Mile. Vassiletchikov at the time of the success of his Poor Folks. She had never forgotten him, and when he arrived at Tver, she hastened to renew their acquaintance. She often invited him to her house, and induced her husband to interest himself in my father's affairs. Count Baranov did his utmost to obtain permission for Dostoyevsky to live at Petersburg. Having heard that the Minister of Police, Prince Dolgoruky, was opposed to this, the Count advised my father to write a letter to the Emperor. Like many other enthusiasts, Dostoyevsky was at this time full of admiration for Alexander II. He composed some verses on the occasion of his coronation, and hoped great things from his reign. He wrote a simple and dignified letter to the Emperor, recounting the miseries of his life, and asked his leave to return to Petersburg. The letter pleased the Emperor and he granted my father's request. Happy at the thought of being able at last to live in the literary world near his brother Mihail, Dostoyevsky at once set out for Petersburg with his wife and his stepson, whom he placed in a cadet school. He soon obtained permission to publish The House of the Dead. The times of Nicolas I were at an end. Those in power no longer feared the light; on the contrary, they sought it. The book had an immense success, and placed Dostoyevsky in the first rank of Russian writers. He never lost this proud position; each new work tended to confirm it. Life began to smile on my father. But fate had a new and cruel trial in store for him.
The change of climate had not suitedMariaDmitrievna. The damp, marshy climate of Petersburg developed the disease which had long been lying in wait for her. In great alarm, she returned to Tver, which is healthier. It was too late; the malady followed its normal course, and in a few months she had become unrecognisable. This woman, coughing and spitting blood, soon disgusted her young lover, who had hitherto followed her everywhere. He fled from Tver, leaving no address. This desertion infuriated Maria Dmitrievna. My father had remained at Petersburg, busy with the pubUcation of his novel, but he often went to visit his wife at Tver. In one of the scenes she made for his benefit, she confessed everything, describing her love-affair with the young tutor in great detail. With a refinement of cruelty she told Dostoyevsky how much it had amused them to laugh at the deceived husband, and declared that she had never loved him and had married him for mercenary motives. " No self-respecting woman," said this hussy, " could love a man who had worked for four years in a prison as the companion of thieves and murderers."
My poor father listened with anguish to the outpourings of his wife. This, then, was the love and happiness in which he had been beheving for years ! It was this fury whom he had cherished as a loving and faithful wife ! He turned from Maria Dmitrievna with horror, left her, and fled to Petersburg, seeking consolation from his brother, and among his nephews and nieces. He had arrived at the age of forty without having ever been loved. " No woman could love a convict," he said to himself, remembering the ignoble words of his wife. It was a thought worthy of the daughter of a slave, which could find no echo in the heart of a noble-minded European. But Dostoyevsky knew little of women at this period of his life. The thought that he would never have children or a home made him very unhappy. He put all his bitterness as a betrayed husband into the novel The Eternal Husband, which he wrote later. It is curious to note that he painted the hero of this story as a contemptible creature, old, ugly, vulgar and ridiculous. It is possible that he despised himself for his credulity and simplicity, for not having discovered the intrigue and punished the treacherous lovers. In spite of his sufferings and despair, Dostoyevsky continued to send money to Maria Dmitrievna, placed confidential servants with her, wrote to his sisters at Moscow, begging them to visit her at Tver, and later went himself several times to see if his wife had all she needed. Their marriage was shattered, but the sense of duty towards her who bore his name remained strong in Dostoyevsky's Lithuanian heart. Maria Dmitrievna was not softened by this generosity. She hated my father with the rancour of a true negress. Those who nursed her told later how she would pass long hours motionless in an arm-chair, lost in painful meditation. She would get up and walk feverishly through her rooms. In the drawing-room she would stand in front of Dostoyevsky's portrait, staring at it, shaking her fist at it, and exclaiming : " Convict, miserable convict 1 " She hated her first husband too, and spoke of him contemptuously. She hated her son Paul and refused to see him. She had always been very ambitious, and she had greatly desired to place her son in the most aristocratic school in Petersburg. My father did what he could, but only succeeded in obtaining a nomination for the Cadet Corps, to which the boy was entitled as the son of an officer. Seeing that Paul was idle and would not work, Maria Dmitrievna was deeply mortified, and this mortification changed to hatred. Dostoyevsky interceded in vain for the child; his mother refused to see him, and my father was obliged to send him to spend his holidays with my uncle Mihaiil's family.
On his return from Siberia my father found his brother Mihail surrounded by a group of remarkable young writers. My uncle had distinguished himself in Russian literature by his excellent translations of Goethe and Schiller, and he loved to gather the authors of the period round him in his house. Seeing this, my father proposed that he should edit a newspaper. He was burning to reveal to our intellectuals the great Russian Idea which he had discovered in prison, but to which Russian society was deaf and blind. The paper was christened Vremya (Time), and the work was divided between the two brothers; my uncle undertook the editorial and financial business, my father the literary interests. He published his novels and his critical articles in Vremya. The paper was very successful; the new idea pleased its readers. The brothers invited the collaboration of very good writers, earnest men who appreciated my father. Instead of jeering at him, like his youthful literary associates of old, they became his friends and admirers. Two among them deserve special mention : the poet Apollo Maikov (whom Dostoyevsky had known shortly before his imprisonment), and the philosopher Nicolai Strahoff. Both remained faithful to Dostoyevsky all his life and were with him at his death.
After The House of the Dead my father published The Insulted and Injured, his first long novel, which also had a great success. Dostoyevsky was much courted and complimented in the literary salons of Petersburg, which he again began to frequent. He also appeared in public. During his sojourn in Siberia, the Petersburg students, male and female, began to play an important part in Russian hterature. In order to help their