The Silver Bullet. Fergus Hume
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The landlord stated that on Tuesday night at six o'clock Frisco had been drinking rum at the Carr Arms. He seemed to be angry with his master whom he alleged had treated him badly. As he left the inn, about seven o'clock, he said, "let him take care, or he won't live long." At the time Napper thought it was merely a drunken threat; but in the face of the death and Frisco's flight he thought that the man was guilty. Of course the Coroner, who had lost his temper with Bridge, told Napper that he did not want his opinion, but simply his evidence. There was further trouble about this remark, in which the Inspector got the worst of it.
A final witness was Stephen Marsh. He was a tall slight young man with bowed shoulders, and a pensive face. He stated that he had called on the evening of the murder for his mother at the rectory. She had been up at "The Pines" in the afternoon, and as she drove home told him, that Colonel Carr had expressed his intention of living for many a long day.
Coroner. "Why is Mrs. Marsh not here to give evidence?"
Marsh. "My mother is seriously ill in bed and could not come."
Coroner. "Her evidence must be taken. Did she say how the conversation came about to induce the deceased to make such a speech."
Marsh. "Yes! My mother wanted the Colonel to lend her some money. He refused. She said that he might as well, as when he died the estate would come to me. It was then that my uncle expressed his determination to live for many a long day. I merely give this evidence to show that my uncle had no thought of committing suicide."
Coroner. "Have you seen your uncle lately?"
Marsh. "No! Not for six months. We were not on good terms."
Coroner. "How was it then that Mrs. Marsh called to see him on the afternoon of the murder?"
Marsh. "She was determined to go. I asked her not to, but she insisted."
At this reply there came a smile upon the faces of those of the jury who lived at Beorminster. Afterwards Herrick learned that Mrs. Marsh was well known as possessed of a violent temper, and there was no doubt (as some one remarked) that she had given the Colonel a good talking to.
However the evidence of Marsh did not point to who had killed Carr. At the time there was no more available evidence. Bridge insisted that Frisco was guilty. He had left the house in the clothes he stood up in, evidently driven forth in a panic. He had made inquiries, and had heard from the police at Southberry, that Frisco--or a person answering to the description of Frisco--had gone to London by the morning train. At this moment Herrick asked to be allowed to give further evidence. He had just recollected that he had seen such a man as was described.
"I was stopping at Southberry," said Herrick, "waiting for my friend Mr. Joyce who had gone to London. He went up on Tuesday morning. I was stopping at an inn near the railway station. I got up early--about seven--to send a wire to my house in London. I had to go to the telegraph office at the station. On the platform I saw a stout man with a soft hat pulled over his face. He was dressed in a blue serge suit with a red tie, and looked like a sailor. I waited until the London train went, and saw him get into a third class carriage."
Coroner. "How is it Dr. Herrick that you recollect this only now?"
"Because I never thought of the matter before. Since Inspector Bridge has given a description of the dress and especially the red tie. I am sure the man was Frisco. I did not see his face."
The Coroner was displeased with this evidence, and said so. In fact he was a disagreeable man, with a strong animus against Bridge. As there was no more evidence, he summed up, trying to prove that Frisco could have had nothing to do with the murder. However the jury were of a different opinion and more sensible, so they brought in a verdict of wilful murder against Frisco. This made the Coroner ill-tempered again and he left "The Pines" in a great rage. However the verdict was given, the inquest was at an end, and the jury left the house.
Stephen Marsh as the nearest relative of the dead man, asked Bridge to allow the three policeman to remain in the house, as he had to return to his mother. Bridge consented, and then Marsh went up to Herrick who was standing in the hall.
"Doctor," said he, "will you come with me to Beorminster? I want you to attend my mother."
Herrick stared. "She has a doctor already has she not Mr. Marsh?"
Marsh shook his head. "No," he replied in a low voice "no Beorminster doctor will attend her. Please come sir. She is so ill."
Although he was partly prepared for this explanation, Herrick could not help staring. What had Mrs. Marsh done that the medical fraternity at Beorminster should boycott her in this way? "You are quite sure that no one will attend her?" he asked incredulously.
"Perfectly. She has quarrelled with all the doctors. I am very lucky to find you Dr. Herrick, or I should be obliged to send to London or to Southberry. And we are so poor, that the expense would be too much for us. You will come I hope."
Jim liked the young man's face. It was soft and mild, but remarkably handsome in a dark way. He could quite understand from such a face that a woman of imperious temper such as Mrs. Marsh appeared to be, could dominate and bully her step-son. If fact Stephen gave Herrick the impression of being crushed. It seemed to be Herrick's fate to meet with people who needed to be bolstered up,--witness Robin Joyce. Also he had a shrewd suspicion that the Revd. Pentland Corn was of the weak type. The proverb says that some men come into the world booted and spurred others saddled and bridled. Herrick was of the former type, and these three weaklings of the latter. However, in spite of his strong will, and dominating character, Jim had a kind heart. He therefore consented to do Marsh the favour he asked.
"But I must go first to the inn," he said, "my friend is there, and I must see after him."
"I'll wait for you," said Stephen, "but pray do not be long. I think my mother is dying."
"Nonsense," said Dr. Jim cheerily, "I'll pull her round. Never give way."
Marsh put out his hand and shook Jim's. "I have wanted a friend for many a long day," he said. "I believe I have found one in you."
"That's all right Marsh," and so Jim took a second burden on his shoulder.
On their way to the inn, Herrick and his companion, met Bess Endicotte. She looked angry and her eyes sparkled as she advanced towards the two men.
"Isn't it a shame?" she said rapidly, "that verdict I mean. I don't believe that Frisco killed the Colonel."
"If he did not there was no reason why he should have run away," replied Marsh.
"Well!" cried Miss Endicotte indignantly, "I did not expect to hear, you say that Stephen. You know as well as I do that the Colonel always said that Frisco was in the same danger as he was himself."
"What danger was that?" asked Herrick sharply.
Bess hesitated, and seemed to regret that she had let her tongue wag so freely, but Marsh answered for her. "We do not know what it was," he said simply, "but my uncle always hinted that he had enemies. Frisco knew his secrets; we did not."